Urgent Temporary Closing of Public Road - R-585 Kealkill, Cosane Road

Cork County Council
Roads Act, 1993
Temporary Closing of Public Roads

Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following road(s) for the period and reason specified below:- 

Road(s) Subject of Proposed Closure
R-585 Kealkill, Cosane Road

Period of Proposed Closure 
From 10.00hrs on 12th November 2021 to 15.00hrs  on 12th November 2021

Reason for Proposed Closure
To facilitate removal by crane of crashed truck from road edge / field

Alternative Routes
Diversion route:
Travelling from Cork to Castletownbere, take the R-587 at Shanlaragh to Dunmanway, then take the R-586 to Ballydehob Cross and then the N-71 into Bantry / Ballylickey. The stated diversion route is applicable in reverse when travelling in the opposite direction.

Director of Services,
Roads & Transportation,
Cork County Council
The Courthouse
Co Cork
Email: roadclosures@corkcoco.ie