Notice to Mariners - No. 9 of 2022

To all ship owners, shipmasters, agents, fishing vessels, pleasure craft users, seafarers and fishery organisations.

Kinsale Slipway’s Improvement works

Subject to funding under the Brexit Adjustment Local Authority Marine Infrastructure Scheme (BALAMI Scheme), Cork County Council intends to carry out the following slipway improvement works. 

Slipway/Area    Proposed Works

Castlepark Slipway    -    Re-deck/re-surface of slipway

  • Addition of toe-rails and mooring rings
  • Installation of high-water debris gate (Prevents debris from entering onto the road at HW spring tides)

Ferry Slip - Re-Pointing of slipway surface and improvement of slipway top angle. 

Scilly Slipway - Repair of Slipway toe. 

  • Addition of mooring rings.
  • Re-surfacing of tender/dinghy/Kayak area above slipway, including new dinghy rack. 

Summercove Slipway - Addition of S/S handrail on the inner slipway wall. 

Kilmacsimon Slipway - Refurbish Pier Steps including new handrail.

Further information is available from Kinsale Harbour Master’s office upon request.