Temporary Closing of Public Roads



Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following roads for the periods and reason specified below.

Road Subject of Proposed Closure

L1528 (Part of) Ballynoe Village, Co. Cork - GAA Pitch Road.

Period of Proposed Closure 

From 08:00hrs on Monday 15th May, 2023 to 18:00hrs on Friday 26th May, 2023 (24hr Closure).

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate Installation of New Watermain.

Alternative Routes

Travelling towards Ballynoe Village, turn left onto L-5838 and continue to t-junction. Turn right onto L-1530 towards Ballynoe Village. 

The stated diversion route is applicable in reverse when travelling in the opposite direction.

Local access will be maintained throughout the duration of the Road Closure. 

Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-51-2023, not later than 5.00pm on Tuesday 25th April, 2023. Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services,

Roads & Transportation,

Cork County Council

The Courthouse


Co Cork

Email: roadclosures@corkcoco.ie




De bhun Alt 75 d’Acht na mBóithre 1993, agus Airteagal 12 de Rialacháin na mBóithre 1994, tugtar fógra leis seo go bhfuil sé beartaithe ag Comhairle Contae Chorcaí an bóthar seo a leanas a dhúnadh go sealadach ar feadh na tréimhse agus ar an gcúis a shonraítear thíos:  

An Bóthar atá sé Beartaithe a Dhúnadh

L1528 (Cuid de) Sráidbhaile an Bhaile Nua, Co. Chorcaí - Bóthar na Páirce CLG.

Tréimhse an Dúnta Bheartaithe 

Ó 08:00 Dé Luain, 15 Bealtaine, 2023 go dtí 18:00 Dé hAoine, 26 Bealtaine, 2023 (Dúnadh 24 uair an chloig).

An Chúis atá leis an Dúnadh Beartaithe

Suiteáil Príomhphíobán Nua Uisce a éascú.

Bealaí Malartacha

Ag taisteal i dtreo Shráidbhaile an Bhaile Nua, cas ar chlé isteach ar an L-5838 agus lean ar aghaidh chomh fada leis an T-acomhal. Cas ar dheis isteach ar an L-1530 i dtreo Shráidbhaile an Bhaile Nua. 

Tá feidhm ag an mbealach atreoraithe luaite seo san ord contrártha agus daoine ag taisteal sa treo eile.

Ceadófar rochtain áitiúil ar feadh thréimhse an Dúnta Bóthair. 

Ba cheart agóid ar bith i gcoinne an dúnta shealadaigh bóthair seo a dhéanamh i scríbhinn chuig an duine thíosluaite agus an Uimhir Thagartha: TRC-51-2023 luaite inti, tráth nach déanaí ná 5 p.m., Dé Máirt 25 Aibreán, 2023. Ba cheart uimhir theileafóin a lua san agóid freisin.

Stiúrthóir  Seirbhísí,

Bóithre & Iompar,

Comhairle Contae Chorcaí

Teach na Cúirte

An Sciobairín

Co. Chorcaí

Ríomhphost: roadclosures@corkcoco.ie