Fógraí Poiblí

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Roads and Transportation
19 Sep 2022

Ordú Luasteorann Oibreacha Bóthair/ Roadworks Speed Limit Order to facilitate drainage works on the N25 between Carrigtwohill and Midleton, Co. Corkdrainage works on the N25 between Carrigtwohill and Midleton, Co. Cork

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 10 (1) of the Road Traffic Act 2004, as amended, that a Road Works Speed Limit Order has been made in the interests of road safety and to facilitate the construction of the Dunkettle to Carrigtwohill Inter – Urban Cycleway (Phase 3).

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Water Services, Coastal and Flood Projects
14 Sep 2022

Do Not Swim Notice Sheep’s Head, Dooneen Pier 14/09/2022

Due to high levels of bacteria in the bathing water sample taken yesterday 13/09/2022 from Sheep’s Head, Dooneen Pier,  in consultation with the HSE, Cork Co. Council is issuing an Advisory Notice Not to Swim from today 14/09/2022. A resample will be taken in the coming days.

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Water Services, Coastal and Flood Projects
09 Sep 2022

Lifting of Prior Beach Notices 9th of September

Good News – From today 09/09/2022, Cork County Council is lifting the Prior Warning Notices currently in place at, Coolmaine, Tragumna, Barleycove, Oysterhaven, Red Strand and Ballyrisode beaches. Bathing Water Samples taken on 07/09/2022 show results are compliant with the Bathing Water Regulations