Economic Development and Enterprise
Enterprise Units to Let
Cork County Council currently have 54 Enterprise Units at Business Growth Zones located throughout the County. There are units suitable for light industry and food production as well as Cork Incubation Kitchens which are located in Carrigaline and E Centres located in Fermoy and Bantry.
For further information or to check availability please email [email protected] or phone 021 4285547.
Units Location:
Faber Castell Business Campus, Fermoy | 7 Enterprise Units varying in size from 1,250 sq ft to 2,500 sq ft 1 Food Unit of 1,250 sq ft There is also an E Centre at this location with hot desks, offices and a meeting/training room |
Coolnanave Industrial Park, Mitchelstown |
3 Enterprise Units and 1 Food Unit All units are 1,000 sq ft |
Carrigaline Industrial Park, Carrigaline | 6 Industrial Units and 4 Food Units; all 1,000 sq ft Cork Incubation Kitchens are also at this location. |
Cloughmacsimon Business Park, Bandon | 4 Food Units All units are 1,250 sq ft |
Coronea Enterprise Centre, Skibbereen | 2 Industrial Units and 2 Food Units All units are 1,000 sq ft |
Bantry Enterprise Centre, Bantry | 11 Enterprise Units varying in size from 500 sq ft to 3,000 sq ft There is also an E Centre at this location with hot desks, offices and a meeting/training room |
Ardmanagh Enterprise Centre, Schull | 3 Industrial Units and 1 Food Unit All units are 1,000 sq ft. |