Economic Development and Enterprise


CUTLER is a H2020 funded EU project that will promote a shift from policymaking, which is largely based on intuition, towards an evidence-driven approach enabled by Big Data. Methods for big data analytics are used to measure the economic activity, assess the environmental impact and evaluate the social consequences. The tools that will be developed through this project will provide evidence that will inform, advice, monitor, evaluate and revise if necessary the decisions made by planning policymakers.

The Pilot in Cork shall explore the environmental, economic and social effects that the Camden Fort Meagher Masterplan has on the surrounding Crosshaven Coastal Area and including the Owenabue River Catchment/estuary. The Pilot shall focus on the delivery of a hypothetical Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)  process/scenario for the Camden Fort Meagher Masterplan, which will eventually be incorporated into the future Statutory Municipal District Local Area Plan. 

The Pilot will focus on Big Data and the use of existing available sensors and static data. The datasets will focus on the environmental, economic and social aspects of Camden Fort Meagher and its potential effect as a business/tourism centre on the Crosshaven settlement.

The data sets used will include but are not limited to:

  • Water quality data for the Owenabue River and Estuary
  • economic datasets – (CSO, Small Stats, LECP etc)
  • Tourist & visitor information
  • Social Media Interaction

Further information on the project can be found at

This work was supported by EU Horizon 2020 project CUTLER: Coastal Urban development through the Lenses of Resiliency, under contract no. 770469 (

European Union emblem with the text "Co-funded by the European Union".


Logo featuring a city skyline above blue waves, with "CUTLER" written below.