Cork County Council provides a broad range of diverse services to approximately 360,000 citizens. Some services are well publicised, for example: Housing, Roads, Planning, and Environment, but there are a range of other quality services that we provide to our communities, such as Libraries, Fire Service, Community Funding, LEADER, and Arts and Heritage.
My goal is to ensure that Cork County Council provides you with the highest possible standard of quality customer services. It is important that you, the citizen, can interact with your Council in a way that is convenient and easy for you. That is the reason why Cork County Council, with the support of the County Mayor and Elected Members, has developed a Customer Services Transformation Programme. This website is part of this programme, as is our online services facility. Because we are “Your Council”.
I hope that these initiatives will improve your customer experience. I am confident that this website, and our staff, will provide you with easy access to information on Council services, and I encourage you to sign up to our online services portal “Your Council” for ready access to a wide range of services.
Cork County Council is the first Local Authority in Ireland to offer such a diverse range of options for engaging with you. And we will continue to improve our services into the future.
Thank you for visiting Cork County Council and I hope that you will find the website useful.
Best wishes,
Moira Murrell,
Chief Executive,
Cork County Council.