Public Participation Network (PPN)
What is Cork County PPN?
Cork County PPN is a network of Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion & Environment organisations that were established in 2015.
Through the office of the PPN Co-ordinator, PPN Member organisations are kept informed of important matters such as:
- Funding opportunities
- Public consultations
- Plan-making
- Policy development.
PPN Member organisations and their representatives can also interact with the policy making committees of Cork County Council and have their voice heard through the PPN reps that sit on these committees.
Member organisations register their contact details with the PPN Co-ordinator to ensure that they are kept informed about events, training, funding and other opportunities that are of interest to the Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion & Environment sectors.
How does it work?
In 2019 the member organisations nominated a 20 member ‘Secretariat’ or steering group to oversee the administration of the PPN. The Secretariat meets on a regular basis to develop aspects of how the PPN operates such as Communications, Training, PPN Information events and effective PPN representation on Council Committees.
In addition to the Secretariat there are 37 seats reserved for PPN reps on the policy-making Committees of Cork County Council.
In summary, PPN member organisations benefit from receiving information on matters that interest or affect them and also have the opportunity to feedback their views at local government level.
What can Cork County PPN do for my organisation?
There are currently 900 organisations affiliated with Cork County PPN. These include, for example; environment groups, resident’s associations, ICA & IFA groups, tidy towns, community councils, choirs, arts groups, youth groups, active retirement associations, sports clubs, heritage & history societies, men’s sheds, autism support groups and many others.
Membership of Cork County PPN facilitates greater co-operation and information sharing between organisations with similar interests and gives organisations the opportunity to shape policy at a local level. It also ensures that your organisation is kept informed of events, training, funding and other opportunities for public participation.
Public Participation Networks User Guide (pdf)
Further Information
Further information can be found at or by contacting the PPN Co-ordinator at [email protected] or (021) 4285340.