Heritage and Conservation

A Heritage Plan for the Múscraí Gaeltacht

Múscraí Heritage Plan - Submissions invited trí mheán na Gaeilge

Added on 21/01/19

Cork County Council, supported by the Heritage Council and, in conjunction with Research and Dig and Acadamh Fódhla, has been undertaking a conservation, management and interpretation plan to look at the importance of the Múscraí Gaeltacht and to determine ways that will work towards ensuring that its heritage can be safeguarded and promoted long into the future. The project, which has had extensive consultation to date has examined in a holistic manner, the wonderful heritage that the area possesses, and has also identified a number of ideas that could be into effect for the protection and promotion of heritage in the area. Over the course of the project and through a lengthy consultation and submissions phase, many excellent recommendations and ideas were received and incorporated into the plan. Final comments are now being sought on the Irish version of the plan, available to see online along with its English version: (For the Irish version click here and the English version is available to see here).  Any and all submissions are invited and indeed encouraged up until Friday 15th February 2019 and can be done so by emailing conor.nelligan@corkcoco.ie(link sends email). It is intended that the Múscraí Heritage Plan will be finalised and launched shortly thereafter.

Added on 26/06/17

Cork County Council, supported by the Heritage Council and, in conjunction with Research and Dig and Acadamh Fódhla, has been undertaking a conservation, management and interpretation plan to look at the importance of the Múscraí Gaeltacht and how its heritage can be safeguarded and promoted long into the future. The project, which has had extensive consultation to date has examined in a holistic manner, the wonderful heritage that the area possesses, and has also identified a number of actions that could be implemented for the protection and indeed promotion of heritage in Múscraí. The document is now nearing completion and next week there will be two public consultation meetings to discuss the content of the Draft Plan and to take on board any suggestions and comments. The first discussion evening takes place in the Mills, Baile Bhúirne, on Wednesday 5th July commencing at 18:30 and the second evening takes place at the same time on Thursday 6th July in the G.A.A. Clubhouse in Beal Átha'n Ghaorthaidh. All are welcome to attend and any comments/suggestions and recommendations on the plan as a whole can be emailed to cork.heritage@corkcoco.ie(link sends email) up to Monday 24th July 2017. The Draft Plan to date is available to view by clicking here (updated in November 2017 - here)