Rates Incentive Grant Scheme

The rate bill is calculated by multiplying the rateable valuation of your premises (RV), as determined by the Valuation Office, by the annual rate on valuation (ARV), as adopted by the members of Cork County Council at their budget meeting. The ARV for 2023 is 79.68, which reflects a 3.5% increase over the 2022 figure.

At the Budget meeting the members also resolved to introduce a Rates Incentive Grant Scheme for the 2023 rating year. 


The main elements of the Scheme are as follows;


•    It is open to every ratepayer in Cork County 

•    Qualifying ratepayers will receive a 3.5% grant on the first €7,000 of their 2023 bill, subject to a maximum grant of €245 

•    To qualify, the 2023 current charge must be paid in full by the 31st October, 2023  

•    Any arrears due to the 31st December, 2021 must also be discharged by the above October deadline 

•    There is no application process & the grant will be administered as a 3.5% credit on the 2023 charge. 


If you have any queries in relation to your 2023 Rate bill or the above Grant scheme, please contact your Area Rate Collector, whose contact details are on the bill.

You can also contact the rates department by phone on 021-4285252 or by email to [email protected]