Commencement Notices
A Commencement Notice is required to give notice to Building Control Authorities of the erection of such buildings, or classes of buildings, or the carrying out of such works, or classes of works, as may be specified in the regulations. The Building Control (Amendment) Regulations SI 9 of 2014 recommends the Building Control Management System (BCMS) site as the preferred means of electronic building control administration.
Building Control Regulations provide for matters of procedure, administration and control for the purposes of securing the implementation of the requirements of the Building Regulations and of demonstrating how compliance with such requirements has been achieved in relation to the building or works concerned.
To apply for a Commencement Notice each party (owner, designer, builder and assigned certifier) to the notice must first register with the BCMS.
The following guides will also be of use:
Basic guide, what commencement notice should I submit? (pdf)
Flowchart to establish if a Commencement Notice is required. (pdf)
National Building Control Office YouTube Channel
How to request a Copy of a Commencement Notice submitted before March 2014
- Copies of commencement notices prior to March 2014 are not available, however particulars of these commencement notices may be provided on request.
- To submit a request please email [email protected] and include the Planning reference number, premises name and address.
Note: A search for commencement notice particulars cannot be conducted without the relevant Planning reference number.
How to request a Copy of a Commencement Notice submitted after March 2014
- Commencement notices submitted from March 2014 onwards can be accessed on the Building Control Management System (BCMS).
- Searches can be conducted using parameters such as commencement notice number, planning reference number, premises address, applicant name, owner name, builder name.
Note: Please allow for 1-3 weeks for all document requests