Building Control Applications (Fire Safety Certificates/Disability Access Certificates /Dispensation/Relaxation)
Please note that online submission of applications for Fire Safety Certificates, Revised Fire Safety Certificates, Regularisation Certificates, Disability Access Certificates, Revised Disability Access Certificates, Dispensations and Relaxations is effective from Monday 13th July 2020 via the Building Control Management System (BCMS).
If you have not used the BCMS previously for the submission of Commencement Notices/7 Day Notices or Certificates of Compliance on Completion, it will be necessary for you to sign up for a BCMS account in order to access the online submission facility.
Please go to BCMS and use the Sign Up option to register for an account. All instructional videos will be posted on the National Building Control Office YouTube Channel. Please refer to the following advice (pdf) on submitting applications on the BCMS.
Fire Safety Certificates
What is a fire safety certificate?
A Fire Safety Certificate is granted by a building control authority and certifies that the works or a building to which the fire safety certificate application relates, if constructed in accordance with documentation accompanying the application, is in compliance with the requirements of Part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations 1997, as amended. The decision to grant (with or without conditions) or refuse a certificate is based on an assessment of plans, documents and other information submitted with the application.
Do I need a fire safety certificate?
With the exception of houses and certain agricultural buildings, a fire safety certificate is generally required for all new buildings, including apartments and flats. A certificate is also required for material changes of use and certain alterations and extensions to buildings. A fire safety certificate must be obtained before work starts.
Where do I get a fire safety certificate?
Before you begin any work or make a material change of use, you should first apply for a fire safety certificate. Applications are made online via the BCMS and must include the following:
- plans, calculations and specifications;
- details of the nature and extent of the proposed use and, where appropriate, the existing use of the building;
- the appropriate fee, based on floor area;
- a technical report demonstrating how the design complies with Part B of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations.
Any application which does not include the above can be rejected by the authority as invalid.
How long should it take to get a fire safety certificate?
The statutory period allowed to a building control authority to process a fire safety certificate application is two months. However, all the information must be made available to the authority, so that they have sufficient information on which to base a decision. If the application documentation is incomplete, this will delay a decision on the application.
Can I appeal if I am refused a fire safety certificate?
You can appeal a decision of the building control authority to An Bórd Pleanála within one month of the decision. Details of the appeal process and fee are sent out with each decision of the authority.
Disability Access Certificates
In accordance with Article 20D of the Building Control Regulations 1997, as amended an application for a disability access certificate shall be accompanied by such plans, (including a site or layout plan) and such other particulars as are necessary to:
- Identify and describe the works or building to which the application relates,
- Enable the building control authority to assess, whether the said works or building would, if constructed in accordance with the said plans and other particulars, comply with the requirements of Part M of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations,
- Identify the nature and extent of the proposed use and, where appropriate, of the existing use of the building concerned
The extent to which plans, details and specifications necessary to demonstrate compliance with Part M of the Building Regulations will vary depending on the type, size and complexity of the building concerned. Applications are made online via the BCMS and must include the following:-
- A fully comprehensive report denoted to correspond with Technical Guidance Document Part M clause numbers (see sample report formats below);
- A set of drawings covering all areas of accessibility;
- Floor plans, cross sectional drawings, drawings of each elevation and other detailed drawings as appropriate. (Scale of not less than 1:100);
- A site layout plan (Scale of not less than 1:500) with the following indicated:-
- Location of all vehicle and pedestrian access points, approach routes, roadways to the site, all sloped/stepped routes;
- All entrances to the building with the main entrance onto the site highlighted;
- All on-site parking spaces including set down areas from where a person may alight from a vehicle;
- A site location map (Scale of either 1:2500 or 1:1000);
- The appropriate fee. (Note: each building should be the subject of a separate application and fee).
A decision of the building control authority can be appealed to An Bórd Pleanála within one month of the decision. Details of the appeal process and fee are sent out with each decision of the authority.
Sample format for DAC report - Dwelling units (pdf)
Sample format for DAC report - Non Dwelling units (pdf)
How to request a Copy of a GRANTED Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) or Disability Access Certificate (DAC)
- Fire Safety Certificates and Disability Access Certificates may be requested in writing from [email protected].
- Written permission from the premises owner is required before requesting documents and should be submitted along with the request.
- The certificate number (if known), premises name, address and any other details that may assist with our search should be provided with your request.
- To request a copy of the Fire Safety Certificate File or Disability Access Certificate File (i.e. Certificate, Drawings & Technical Report) a completed and signed declaration form should be submitted with the request. Click the following link or see 'Building Control Documents Declaration Form' in the Document Summary below.
Note 1: Please allow for 1-3 weeks for all document requests.
Note 2: Fee for copy of Certificate: €12.50. Fee for copy of FSC/DAC File (Certificate & Documents): €22.50.