Youghal Clock Tower Clock Room

Heritage and Conservation

Heritage is a complex topic and covers a wide range of areas. The Heritage Act 1995 is the primary piece of legislation in Ireland governing Heritage. It is aimed at promoting public interest in Heritage and developing knowledge, appreciation, and protection of National Heritage.

National Heritage is defined as: monuments, archaeological objects, heritage objects, architectural heritage, flora, fauna, wildlife habitats, landscapes, seascapes, wrecks, geology, heritage gardens and parks, and inland waterways.

The Heritage Council (An Chomhairle Oidhreachta) was created as the result of the passing of the Heritage Act, and work in the public interest through the provision of funding, expert advice, education programmes, and advocacy.

Heritage belongs to everyone and is a part of our lives everyday, even if we don’t know it!  

Heritage and Conservation News

Midleton College showing window repairs under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme.
Heritage and Conservation
22 Nov 2024

Funding Available to Protect Heritage Buildings in County Cork

Cork County Council is inviting the owners and custodians of historic and protected structures to apply for grant funding under the Historic Structure Fund (HSF) 2025, and the Historic Thatch Building Stream of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2025.