Schemes for the Protection of Architectural and Archaeological Heritage in County Cork
The County of Cork is steeped in built and archaeological heritage with close to 3,000 protected structures, over 50 Architectural Conservation Areas and close to 20,000 recorded archaeological monuments.
Each year, Cork County Council’s Heritage Unit administers a number of grant schemes to protect this heritage and full details of each scheme can be found below.
- The BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025 and the Historic Structures Fund 2025 have been announced, with a closing date of the 17th January 2025.
- The Community Monuments Fund 2025 has also been announced with a closing date of the 31st January 2025.
- The 2025 Built Heritage Investment Scheme will provide grants of up to €50,000 to individual owners for small-scale works to repair and preserve their historic properties.
- Successful applicants will be announced by the Minister in January 2025.
For documents click the links below:
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Guidance Booklet for Applicants
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Circular
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Qualifying Non Qualifying Works
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Guidance Application Form A
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Application Form A
- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025 – Application Form A Checklist
Submission of Applications:
The deadline for submission of completed applications is 4.00pm on Friday, 27th of September 2024 in respect of the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2025. Applications can be made by emailing [email protected] or a hard copy may be submitted to the Built Heritage Investment Scheme, Cork County Council, Heritage and Conservation Office, Floor 3, Planning Department, County Hall, Cork.
- The Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) Historic Thatched Buildings Stream is intended to support thatched buildings in need of repair and conservation works.
- Owners or occupiers of any historic thatched structure including domestic or commercial properties can apply for up to €20,000 for 80% of total cost of conservation works.
For documents click the links below:
- BHIS Historic Thatch Scheme 2025 – Application Form A
- BHIS Thatch 2025 Application Form A Checklist
- Circular BHIS Thatch 2025
Submission of Applications:
The deadline for submission of completed applications is 4:00pm on Friday, 17th January 2025 in respect of the BHIS Historic Thatched Buildings Stream 2025. Applications can be made by emailing [email protected] or a hard copy may be submitted to the Heritage and Conservation Office, Cork County Council, Floor 3, Planning Department, County Hall, Carrigrohane Rd, Cork.
- The Primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund 2025 is to assist the conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the broader benefit of communities and the public.
- The 2025 Historic Structures Fund will offer a small number of grants of up to €200,000 for projects that deliver a clear community or public benefit, or where a clear residential benefit has been demonstrated.
- Eligible structures include Recorded Protected Structures, Structures eligible for or proposed for inclusion in the RPS, structures or works within Architectural Conservation Areas (ACA’S), or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply.
For documents click the links below:
- Historic Structures Fund 2025 - Application Form A
- Historic Structures Fund 2025 - Application Checklist
- Historic Structures Fund 2025 - Guidance Booklet for Applicants
- Historic Structures Fund 2025 - Circular
Submission of Applications:
The deadline for submission of completed applications is 4:00pm on Friday, 17th January 2025 in respect of the Historic Structures Fund 2025. Applications can be made by emailing [email protected] or a hard copy may be submitted to the Heritage and Conservation Office, Cork County Council, Floor 3, Planning Department, County Hall, Carrigrohane Rd, Cork.
The 2025 Community Monuments Fund is now accepting applications, up until the closing date of 16:00 on Friday 31 January 2025.
The Community Monuments Fund will enable conservation works to be carried out on archaeological monuments, which are deemed to be significant and in need of support. It aims to build resilience in monuments enabling them to withstand the effects of climate change. The fund also aims to encourage access to monuments and improve their presentation. The Scheme has three streams of funding, all of which offer up to 100% of eligible costs.
- Stream 1: Grants up to €100,000 for essential repairs and capital works for the conservation of archaeological monuments.
- Stream 2: Grants of up to €30,000 for the development of Conservation Management Plans/Reports and detailed Specification of Works aimed at identifying measures for conservation and maintenance of archaeological monuments.
- Stream 3: Grants of up to €30,000 for the enhancement of access infrastructure, interpretation projects (including virtual/online) and small scale emergency conservation works, at archaeological monuments.
The relevant details are as follows;
- Community Monuments Fund 2025 - Handbook (pdf).
- Community Monuments Fund 2025 - Application Form A (word).
For submission of applications and any queries regarding the scheme email: [email protected].
Guidelines and Criteria
1. Background:
The County of Cork is steeped in heritage – natural heritage, maritime heritage, cultural heritage, architectural heritage, archaeological heritage, folklore, traditional crafts and so much more. The County of Cork, too, is endowed with hundreds of groups that take pride in the history and heritage of their locality and in recognition of this Cork County Council’s Heritage Unit has developed the County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme. Building on the success of the inaugural scheme in 2021, its aim is to acknowledge and support Cork County’s many heritage groups in undertaking activities that in turn support the actions and objectives of the County Cork Heritage Plan.
The existing County Heritage Plan (2005) contains 3 key objectives relating to Heritage in the County of Cork spread across 47 actions. A new Heritage Plan for the county will be embarked upon following the recent publication of the upcoming new National Heritage Plan for Ireland – Heritage Ireland 2030. The 3 Key Objectives of the existing County Cork Heritage Plan are as follows:
- Objective 1: To Raise Awareness and to Promote Appreciation And Enjoyment Of The Heritage Of Co. Cork.
- Objective 2: To Develop And Encourage Best Practice In Relation To The Management And Care Of Heritage In Co. Cork And To Deliver Practical Actions To Achieve This.
- Objective 3: To Gather And Disseminate Information About Heritage In Co. Cork. The Heritage Plan is available on the publications section.
This grant scheme is being co-funded with thanks to the Heritage Council ( – a National Body that was established under the 1995 Heritage Act. Applicants under the scheme are also to have regard to this Act, which covers the following areas of heritage: monuments; archaeological objects; heritage objects, documents and genealogical records; architectural heritage; flora and fauna; wildlife habitats; landscapes and seascapes; wrecks; geology; heritage gardens; parks and inland waterways. The Heritage Act 1995 is available to view at HERITAGE ACT, 1995.
2. Criteria for Funding
Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
Under this Grant Scheme each application must meet certain criterion, prior to proceeding to the final assessment process. Proposals with a community focus will be given priority as well as projects that result in no net loss of natural heritage and are sustainable in nature/have a lasting legacy. In this regard, prospective applicants should consider the wider impact of a project, and to ensure that said project does not have a negative impact on natural heritage or sustainability. Regarding the overall scheme, it is important to note that there are limits to the amount of funding available, as well as geographical considerations, and not all applications may be successful.
To be eligible for funding the following must be demonstrated:
- That the proposal is to take place within or relate to the functional area of Cork County Council or promotes the role of County Cork to audiences further afield
- That the proposal will either encourage or benefit participation in heritage activities and undertakings
- Where the proposal relates to a site/facility owned by Cork County Council, that prior approval in principle, has been obtained from the relevant section, i.e. the relevant Municipal District Office, Local Engineer, etc.
- Where the proposal involves works at a designated heritage site (i.e. Special Area of Conservation, Special Protection Area for Birds, Architectural Conservation Area, Protected Structure, Recorded Archaeological Monument, etc.) that the appropriate consents/permissions are in place
- That the proposal is in keeping with the aspects of heritage as set out in the County Cork Heritage plan and the National Heritage Act
- That the project will be accessible to diverse audiences and participants and will be inclusive in theme and approach.
- An event to show case the project must be carried out during National Heritage Week 2025 (16th -24th August) and included on Details of this event should be provided on the application form.
- That the proposal will be designed on a realistic financial basis providing good value for money with all funding used effectively and only in accordance with the objectives of the event/project.
- That the activity meets will all public health advice and guidance, laid down by the HSE and the Government in response to any prevalent pandemic, i.e. COVID-19, etc.
- That each applicant has in place (or will have in place subject to a successful application) adequate Insurance cover for all activities, as appropriate;
- If Planning Permission is required, then it must be obtained before you apply for this fund.
- That the proposed project/event will be completed and the request for drawdown of grant submitted to Cork County Council’s Heritage Unit, by Monday 29th September, 2025, unless otherwise agreed.
In addition to the above, the following details must also be conveyed:
- The anticipated target audience, where relevant
- A breakdown of costs for undertaking the proposed project
- Any additional supports and funding that may be required and have been secured from relevant stakeholders
All grant recipients will be required to submit a summary report of the project/event/initiative funded and will furthermore be required to clearly show that they have acknowledged the support of Cork County Council and the Heritage Council through the use of social media, logos, branding, etc. Full details of all requirements will be set out in the letter of offer for successful applicants and will also include details of attendance and participation; a break-down of expenditure, and the provision of three high quality photographs and or film footage that can be used by Cork County Council and/or the Heritage Council. Positive consideration, in principle, will be given to proposals that include the capturing of the event/project in question by (high resolution) digital video.
3. Particulars of Funding:
At the heart of the County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme, supported by the Heritage Council, is the recognition of the great work undertaken by groups throughout the County of Cork in all areas of heritage and that even small levels of support will help with some exceptional projects, particularly those that may have fallen between the cracks, i.e. ineligibly under other grant schemes that are not heritage-led. As such, this grant scheme is aimed at providing funding for local, not-for-profit community-based heritage groups and individuals who are involved in undertakings that benefit heritage in the County of Cork.
The following headings now highlight the main particulars of this funding scheme:
How much funding will be awarded per successful application?Fund amounts granted will not exceed €3,500 for any individual project.
How will the Decision on funding be made?
Decisions will be taken on a number of grounds, including the following selection criteria:
- The extent to which the proposed event/project correlates with the objectives of the County Cork Heritage Plan and the aspects of Heritage as set out in the Heritage Act
- The extent to which the project benefits local heritage and inclusive community engagement
- The extent to which the proposed event/project ensures no net loss of natural heritage; is effective in terms of climate action/resilience, and that it is a sustainable undertaking with a lasting legacy
- The cost of the proposed event/project and its feasibility, where any additional supports and funding requirements are identified and confirmed
Please note there is no guarantee of funding for projects/events that nonetheless may have achieved the minimum criteria. The fund is limited and eligible applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis, including amongst other factors, the selection criteria outlined above. Also of note is that there are eight Municipal Districts in County Cork and geographical representation and distribution of funds will play a part in the overall awarding of grants.
What items and expenses are excluded from the Scheme?
- Spend on alcoholic beverages, fines, penalty payments, legal cost, audit fees, financial consultancy fees and wages and salaries of consultants
- Any proposal where it is determined that the main beneficiary would be a private entity
- The undertaking of commemorative plaques and memorials (for any such commemorative proposals send an email to [email protected])
- Accommodation costs, travel and transport costs, except in exceptional circumstances
- Equipment, unless essential for the undertaking of the Project. Costs for the acquisition of items for resale are ineligible
- Ongoing running costs, administration etc. (except insurance)
Projects that do not relate to the Heritage of County Cork
What typical projects/events are included in the Scheme?
- A calendar/programme of activities for key local, national and international events - National Heritage Week ( in particular
- Community based approaches to Public Archaeology
- Community related Genealogy and Oral History Projects
- Heritage and Well-Being Projects
- Projects relating to the heritage of the Irish language and the two Gaeltachts of Cléire and Múscraí
- Webinars, Online Lectures, summer schools and digital exhibitions
- Publications and Podcasts
- Natural Heritage/Biodiversity Projects and other such projects that correlate with the Al-Ireland Pollinator Plan (2021-2025)
- Projects that relate to aims, objectives and/or initiatives of the National Biodiversity Data Centre
- Heritage Research and Surveying including Geophysical undertakings
- Heritage/Conservation Reports and Condition Surveys
- Heritage Training for communities
- Projects that support and raise awareness of traditional heritage skills and crafts
- Heritage Events and Community Gatherings (where permissible only in accordance with Public Health Guidance – A Plan ‘B’ must accompany any such proposal in this regard)
- Online Heritage initiatives, such as films, podcasts, exhibitions, performances, etc.
- Heritage initiatives designed to support engagement with older people, new communities and young people.
- projects promoting the activities of Heritage groups and organizations
- Conservation of heritage collections and objects, including documents (and archival boxing for vulnerable documents)
- Other – if a case can be made that it will form an important heritage project within the County of Cork
If successful how is the Fund to be drawn down?
Payment will only be made after the event or project is completed, save the following exception: {given the nature of some events advance funding may be necessary and Cork County Council will decide on this matter on a case-by-case basis}. In order to receive full payment, the successful applicant must provide the following:
- Evidence that the event or project has taken place. This must include a signed disclaimer and the provision of at least three high quality photographs and/or videographic evidence that can be used by Cork County Council and/or the Heritage Council.
- Receipts/Invoices for all items that exceed 10% of overall cost and a full breakdown of all costs incurred.
- A summary report (the letter of offer will set out the specific requirements, which will include details of attendance and participation; expenditure breakdown, promotion of the project/initiative, etc.).
Photographs and where possible digital video of the project/event will be required as part of the summary report, which may be used by Cork County Council on print or digital platforms in promotions associated with the fund.
Cork County Council reserves the right to audit the records pertaining to any event or project in order to ensure compliance with the Cork County Council guidelines.
Unless otherwise agreed, funding not claimed by the agreed deadline will be cancelled. The deadline date is Monday, September 29th, 2025.
Terms of Funding:
Outcome on evaluation of applications:
Successful applicants will receive a Letter of offer by email in late May/early June 2025. This letter will form the contract between Cork County Council and the organiser and will detail all conditions and requirements. A list of successful applicants will be published on Cork County Council’s website stating the name, date and details of the event/project taking place. Upon request, unsuccessful applicants will also be informed as to why their application was unsuccessful.
Successful applicants must acknowledge the association of their event /initiative with the County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme and both Cork County Council and the Heritage Council must be acknowledged in all promotional activities and digital communications. The Cork County Council and Heritage Council logos must be used in a prominent place on all materials produced in relation to the project. Where Social Media platforms are engaged prior, during or after the event, Cork County Council and the Heritage Council should be tagged and referenced as the event sponsor.
Full details of all requirements will be set out in the letter of offer for successful applicants. With any events being undertaken, consideration should also be made by each organiser with regard to inviting the Mayor of the County of Cork and local Elected Representatives as well as key Cork County Council staff (this includes the relevant Municipal District Officer and Senior Executive Officer, as well as the LCDC Chief Officer and other staff, as appropriate).
Submission of Proposed Projects:
Details of all proposed projects must be submitted to Cork County Council by 17:00 on Thursday April 17th 2025 to be considered for inclusion in the County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme 2025. Where funding is being sought for any or all aspects of a project the accompanying application form must be filled out completely and submitted by said same date.
Applications can be made online (; sent by post to Heritage Grant Scheme 2025, C/O Conor Nelligan, Cork County Council, Floor 3, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork and/or by email to [email protected], to be received prior to 17:00, Thursday, 17th April, 2025. You may also submit accompanying additional documentation with your application form as appropriate and please note that information supplied is subject to the Freedom of Information Act. If you would like an application ‘as gaeilge’ please send an email to [email protected] requesting same.
A note on Data Protection:
Please note that Personal information is collected by Cork County Council in the carrying out of its functions with regard to commemorative activity. Legally the Local Authority can process this information as it has been obtained with your consent and it is necessary in order to comply with requirements. The protection of your personal data is a key priority for the Council and your data will be processed in line with the Council’s Privacy Policy which is available at Data Protection & Privacy Statement or in hardcopy from any Council office.
Should you have any questions about the Council’s Privacy Policy or the information that Cork County Council hold about you, please contact the Council by email to [email protected] or write to the Data Protection Officer, Cork County Council, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork, Ireland.
Typing of applications
Applicants are encouraged to type and review their applications. Cork County Council cannot be responsible for any errors or misunderstandings that may arise from illegible or un-reviewed information supplied.
The County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme 2025 is part funded by the Heritage Council.
Applications can be made on the the following link: County Cork Heritage Grant Scheme.