Midleton to Youghal Greenway

The Midleton to Youghal Greenway is now open to the public. The 23km long Greenway is an off-road walking and cycling route through the heart of East Cork which connects the towns and villages of Midleton, Mogeely, Killeagh and Youghal.
The Midleton to Youghal Greenway is an important amenity for the local community, providing a safe, accessible and attractive route on an easy gradient which is suitable for use by people of all ages and abilities. The development of the Greenway enhances and extends the network of cycle facilities within the county to support active travel and contribute to health promotion, well-being, and overall quality of life. The Greenway is an important addition to the tourism infrastructure of County Cork and is expected to generate increased visitor numbers, providing a boost to the local economy.
Car parking and access to the Greenway is available at the trailheads at Midleton Station, Mogeely and Killeagh and via the MacCurtainstown Car Park, Youghal. Temporary toilet facilities, bicycle repair stations, drinking water fountains and seating are available at Midleton Station, Mogeely and Killeagh trailheads. Public toilets are available at Front Strand, Youghal.

To help you to safely enjoy your visit, please adhere to the following guidance:
Keep Left, Pass Right: Keep to the left hand-side of the path and pass on the right.
- Pedestrians:
- Listen for approaching cyclists, allow bikes to pass safely and don’t block the path.
- Cyclists:
- Ring your bell to alert pedestrians. Pass slowly, allow space and cycle at a safe speed. Use appropriate safety equipment, especially a helmet and bicycle lights.
- Dog Owners:
- Dogs must be kept on a short lead at all times. Clean up after your pet.
- Crossing Safely:
- The Greenway is off-road but special care must be taken when crossing public roads and at farm crossings. Always adhere to traffic and safety signage. Stop and give way to traffic at road crossings.
- Motorised Vehicles and Horses:
- Motorised vehicles and horses are not permitted on the Greenway. You may occasionally encounter maintenance vehicles on the path: please exercise caution on approach.
- Emergency:
- In the event of an emergency, contact the emergency services by calling 112 or 999.

Dogs can scare or harm farm animals, keep your dog on a short lead.
Stay on the path, do not enter private property and respect the privacy of adjacent landowners.
Do not approach or feed farm animals.
Do not disturb wildlife, native plants and wildflowers that grow along the Greenway.
Love this place, leave no trace: always dispose of your litter correctly.