Governance and Administration

Boundary Related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are categorised alphabetically by service area below. Searchable Boundary FAQs are also available on

However, if your question is not answered here, you can contact us during office hours on one of the Boundary Extension Information Lines below:

Cork County Council: 021 4285054.



Q. What cemeteries / burial grounds are impacted by the Boundary extension?

There are 9 cemeteries impacted by the boundary extension. They are:

  • St. Oliver’s Cemetery, Ballincollig
  • St. Columba’s Cemetery, Douglas
  • St. James’ Cemetery Chetwynd
  • Curraghkippane Old & New Cemetery
  • Carrigrohane Beg Cemetery
  • Rathcooney Cemetery
  • Kilcully Old Cemetery
  • St. Senan’s Cemetery, Tower
  • St. Senan’s Abbey Cemetery, Inniscarra

Q. What does the boundary extension mean for these cemeteries / burial grounds?

The boundary extension means that from Friday May 31st 2019 the 9 cemeteries listed above will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. From that date Cork City Council will be responsible for their maintenance and management including the sale of burial plots and the registration of burials. 

Q. I want to purchase a plot in one of these cemeteries / burial grounds. Who should I contact?

From May 31st 2019 you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444 to enquire about plot sales. 

Q. I have a general question that relates to one of these cemeteries / burial grounds. Who should I contact?

From May 31st 2019 for any queries relating to the 9 cemeteries listed above you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444.


Comhairle na nÓg:

Q. If we are a post primary school or a pupil of a post primary school in the transferring area and have a query about the Cork City Comhairle Na nÓg, how do I find the contact details and information for the City Comhairle?

All details can be found on 

Age Friendly:

Q. Can I register to be a member of the Older Persons Council Plenary in Cork County if I am in the new extended boundary area?

From May 31st, if you reside in the new extended boundary area you will no longer be eligible to become a member of the Older Persons Council Plenary in County Cork. However, you can register with the Older Persons Forum in Cork City instead. For further information please visit:

Q. Can I become a member of the Older Persons Council Executive in Cork County?

From May 31st, if you reside in the new extended boundary area you will no longer be eligible to become a member of the Older Persons Council Executive in County Cork. However, you can apply to become a member of the Older Persons Forum in Cork City instead. For further information please visit:

Q. Can I attend the Older Persons Celebratory events/information events?

From May 31st, if you reside in the new extended boundary area you should register with the Older Persons Forum in Cork City and in turn you will be updated on their events. For further information please visit:

Q. Can I participate in the Age Friendly Business Programme if I am in the new extended boundary area?

From May 31st you will no longer be eligible to participate in the Age Friendly Business Programme in the Cork County. However, if you contact the Age Friendly City Programme you can obtain a list of their programmes on offer.

SICAP Programme (Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme)

Q. Who do I contact regarding SICAP (Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme) if my area is transferring to the City?

There is no change to this programme for the remainder of the current contract which expires in 2022. The current Local Development Company who oversee this programme in the extended area is SECAD and they will continue to operate the programme. In addition, Cork County Council’s LCDC (Local Community Development Committee) will continue to oversee the programme in the extended area.

Rural Development Programme LEADER 2014 – 2020

Q. Who do I contact for information on the LEADER (Rural Development 2014-2020) programme if my area is now forming part of the new extended City area?

The two Local Development Companies, i.e. Avondhu/Blackwater Partnership and SECAD Partnership will continue to operate the LEADER programme in the extended area until the end of the current programme. Cork County Council in conjunction with the three Cork County Local Action Groups will continue to oversee the programme. Information will continue to be made available via the South Cork LEADER website,

Community Development Initiative Grant Scheme:

Q. I am a member of a community who will now form part of the extended City boundary area - can I continue to apply to Cork County Council for the Community Development Initiative Grant Scheme?

From May 31st only communities/organisations based in the County area can avail of this fund. This fund is an initiative of Cork County Council so it won’t be available in the City area however; Cork City Council has their own suite of grants available which you can now avail of. These will be advertised on the Cork City Council website and via local press.

PPN (Public Participation Network)

Q. My Community group is registered with Cork County PPN but is based in the area to be transferred to Cork City Council’s administrative area. Will I be notified of the changes affecting my group’s membership of Cork County PPN and of how I can apply to become a member of Cork City PPN?

Yes – Cork County PPN member groups affected by the Boundary change will receive an email in April 2019 outlining the process involved in the boundary alteration and what it will mean for them. Q. My Community group is not currently registered with the PPN. Our group is within the expanded City Council administrative area. I want to register my group with the PPN. Who should I contact?

You can apply to register with Cork City PPN by emailing Cork City PPN at [email protected]

Q: I will be licensing my dog after the 31st May-how does the boundary change affect me?

An Post are the primary avenue for the issue and renewal of dog licences. You can apply for a dog licence or a lifetime dog licence either at your local post office or via their online service.

Note: If you need a General dog licence (i.e. for 20 dogs or more) you should-from the 31st May– contact Cork City Council on 021 924444

Q. What does the boundary extension mean for a small business in the transition area in dealing with the Local Enterprise Offices (LEO)?

If you are a business that is based in the area that is affected by the boundary change then from May 31st, 2019 your future dealings will be with the Cork City Local Enterprise Office (LEO) 

​​​​​​Q. If I am an existing client of the South Cork Local Enterprise Office (LEO) how will this change affect me?

If you are in an area located outside of the transition area there will be no change for you as a client of LEO South Cork. If you are a client of LEO South Cork and your business is based within the affected boundary area, then you future dealings will be with LEO Cork City.  

Q. If I am in the transition area and I currently have a grant award from LEO South Cork that is not yet fully drawn down how will I be affected?

In this situation you will continue to deal with LEO South Cork until such time as your grant payment has been completed. Any refundable element of your grant will be repayable to LEO South Cork over the period as set out in your contract but during this period should you make a further application for LEO Grant Support or seek and soft supports such as mentoring or training you will make these applications to LEO Cork City.

Q. Where will my records be maintained following the boundary extension?

If you are a client of LEO South Cork and you are in the transition area any physical records of grant support etc. will remain with LEO South Cork until the closure of the funding programmes under which you would have received any support. However, any client of the LEO South Cork that is within the affected boundary area will have a digital summary file of their dealings with LEO South Cork transferred to LEO Cork City. LEO Cork City will also have an option to access any hard copy material retained on file by LEO South Cork should it become necessary if you make any future grant applications to LEO Cork City after the boundary change.

Q. Will I have the option of remaining a client of LEO South Cork or making future grant applications to LEO South Cork if I am in the transition area?

From Friday May 31st onwards if your company is within the newly expanded geographical area covered by LEO Cork City then any future engagements will be with LEO Cork City.

Q. If I am looking to make a grant application in the time leading up to the boundary extension and I am in the affected area, to whom should I make my application?

It has been agreed with LEO Cork City that from 1 April 2019 any new applications that are to be made for grant support from any business within the affected area should be made to LEO Cork City. This will then ensure that any applications still in process at the date of the boundary extension will not then subsequently be affected by having to transfer from one LEO office to another for a decision.

Q: What Environmental services are impacted by the boundary change?

In simple terms all environmental services currently delivered by Cork County Council within the transition area will in future be delivered by Cork City Council – these services include;

  • ­ Waste Management Services
  • ­ Environmental Licencing/Authorisations
  • ­ Environmental Monitoring & Enforcement
  • ­ Pollution incidents/complaints

Q: How will Waste Management & Recycling Centres (Bring Banks) be impacted?

11 Bring Bank Recycling Sites are located within the transition area. 

These are;

  • Blarney Public Carpark
  • Christies Blarney 
  • Cloghroe Church
  • Ballincollig Regional Park
  • Quish’s SuperValu Ballincollig
  • Times Square Ballincollig
  • Dunnes Stores Bandon Rd Roundabout SC
  • Ryans’ SuperValu Grange
  • Douglas Court SC
  • Mt Oval SC
  • LIDL Riverstown

From the 31st May responsibility for the management and maintenance of these sites will transfer to the City Council. Cork City Council can be contacted on 021 4924444 with any queries you may have. 

We will be working with our city colleagues to ensure that there will be no interruption to service arising from the boundary change at any of these locations. 

Q: How are Environmental Licences/Authorisations affected by the boundary change?

For businesses operating within the boundary transition area, Cork City Council will-from the 31st May 2019- become the authorising authority in respect of the following;

  • Facility Permits & Certificates of Registration under the Waste Management Acts
  • Discharge Licences under the Water Pollution Acts (for discharges to ground or surface water*)
  • Licences under the Air Pollution Acts
  • Certificates under the European Union (Installations and Activities using Organic Solvents) Regulations 2012
  • Certificates under the European Union (Paints, Varnishes, Vehicle Refinishing Products and Activities) Regulations 2012 
  • Certificates under the Air Pollution Act, 1987 (Petroleum Vapour Emissions) Regulations, 1997
  • Notifications under the Burning Regulations 

*note Licences for discharges to the public sewer are dealt with by Irish Water.

From the 31st May next anyone wishing to apply for an authorisation under any of the above headings must apply to Cork City Council. Cork City Council can be contacted on 021 4924444 with any queries you may have. 

If you already hold an authorisation issued by Cork County Council under any of the above headings, that licence will from the 31st May next transfer to Cork City Council.  We will be writing to individual licence holders over the coming weeks.

Q: How will environmental monitoring & enforcement be impacted by the boundary change?

Within the boundary transition area Cork County Council is currently responsible for environmental monitoring & enforcement under a range of headings – including;

Water Quality

  • ­ Monitoring of private group water schemes/small private supplies 
  • ­ Monitoring of trade effluent discharges (to ground or surface waters)
  • ­ Monitoring of general water quality (rivers, lakes etc)
  • ­ Farm Inspections 
  • ­ Beach/Bathing Area monitoring


  • ­ Monitoring and inspection of authorised and unauthorised waste collectors and facilities.
  • ­ Investigation of fly-tipping and illegal dumping.
  • ­ Litter Control Services
  • ­ Unauthorised burning

Air Quality

  • ­ Monitoring of operators licenced under the Air Pollution Acts, Solvent and Solid Fuel Regs e.g dry cleaners, vehicle refinishers, solid fuel merchants etc. 


  • Noise monitoring & enforcement in response to complaints

From the 31st May responsibility for monitoring and enforcement under all the above headings will transfer to Cork City Council. Cork City Council can be contacted on 021 4924444 with any queries you may have. 

Q: I am currently engaging with Cork County Council on an environmental issue – what should I do?

Cork County Council will remain the relevant body for the above range of environmental services up until the 31st May next. You should continue to engage with us on all environmental matters up until that date. 

Transition arrangements will be put in place for applications and other environmental cases that remain undecided or unresolved at the 31st May. In such cases contact will be made directly with the parties involved. 

Q: I reside in the boundary transition area and have received a Litter Fine – who should I pay it to?

If the fine was issued by Cork County Council then it should be paid to Cork County Council via the channels specified on the fine-even where the payment is being made after the 31st May next.

Q: I want to report a pollution incident?

From the 31st May 2019 all pollution complaints or incident reports relating to the boundary transition area should be made to Cork City Council. Cork City Council can be contacted on 021 4924444 with any complaints or incident reports.  

This includes reports and complaints relating to water pollution, flytipping, air/noise pollution, odours etc.

Where an environmental complaint has been made to Cork County Council before the 31st May and remains unresolved at that date, transition arrangements will be put in place to ensure the issue is dealt with. Individual notifications will issue to complainants in any such cases. 


Q. I have a contract with Cork County Council within the area transferring to Cork City Council. How will the boundary change impact this contract?

The Local Government Act 2019 makes provision for all contracts pertaining to the transition area to move to the City Council without the need to draw up a new contract where required. Both authorities will engage with service providers affected on a case by case basis to ascertain next steps as necessary. If you feel your contract is impacted by the boundary change you should make contact with the person designated as you point of contact within Cork County Council. 


Q. I have an insurance claim lodged against Cork County Council for an incident occurring in the transition area before 31st May 2019. Who will be responsible this claim?

If the date of incident is before 31st May 2019 the claim will be managed by Cork County Council until completion. Any claim where the incident date is the 31st May or thereafter will be managed by Cork City Council.

Housing Loans

Q. I have an open loan application or want to make an application for a loan and I live or want to buy in the Transition Area?

Cork County Council will accept applications up to Thursday, May 30th, 2019 and process these.  Cork City Council will take all new applications from Friday, May 31st, 2019.  After Friday May 31st 2019, applicants with provisional loan approval from Cork County Council, who identify the property they wish to purchase within the transition area, will be advised by Cork County Council that their full approval will be adjudicated on by Cork City Council and their full file will be sent to the City Council for processing. (Applicants will have to sign a consent form allowing CCC to transfer the file.)  Cork City Council will complete the process and will send the file to its Credit Committee for approval of Loan Drawdown.  Cork County Council will not be in a position to advance a loan on a property in the transition area after Thursday, May 30th, 2019.    

Q. I have a Home Loan with Cork County Council and I live in the transition area. How will I be affected by the Boundary Extension? 

Your home loan and all associated arrangements remain with Cork County Council and are not affected by the Boundary Extension. 

Q. I am in regular communication with Cork County Council regarding arrears on my housing loan for my property which is in the boundary transition area. Will Cork County Council continue to manage this process?

There will be no change to the current arrangements. The process will continue to be managed by Cork County Council

Payments to Suppliers

Q. I am a service provider for Cork County Council and I have been informed that I will be providing the service to Cork City Council as the contract is within the transition area. Do I need to provide information to the City Council to ensure I continue receiving payment?

No. The Local Government Act 2019 makes provision for all relevant information to transfer to enable Cork City Council to conduct its functions in the transition area post transfer. This includes all information relating to contracts transferring including information needed to continue payment to providers.


Q.  I am a ratepayer in the Cork city environs. How do I establish whether or not I am impacted by the boundary change?

You may view the transition area map here to ascertain whether you are affected. If unclear, please contact your Area Rate Collector (details on your Rate Bill) or the Rate Collection Office at tel. 021 4285252 or e-mail [email protected]

Q. My premises is in the transition area. How am I affected?

Under the Local Government Act 2019 Cork County Council will remain the rating authority for 2019. Commercial rates for 2019 are therefore payable to Cork County Council. Rates for 2020 and thereafter will be payable to Cork City Council.

Motor Tax

Q. Will the motor tax function be impacted by the boundary extension?

There will be no change to the processing of motor tax. Cork County Council will remain the responsible authority for processing all applications. You can continue to manage your motor tax online at or at the public counter at the Motor Tax Office, Model Business Park, Model Farm Road, Cork T12 XP80 or over the phone at 021 4544566

Q. Does the boundary extension affect fire and emergency services in my area?

Fire and emergency services are unaffected by the boundary extension. In the event of a fire or emergency, you should contact 999 or 112 for help. 

Q: Why is this boundary change happening?

In January 2019, legislation was passed by Government which finalised the revision of Local Government boundary arrangements in Cork (Cork City boundary to extend to include Ballincollig, Blarney, Tower, Glanmire, Douglas, Rochestown & Togher). 

The relevant legislation is the Local Government Act, 2019

Q: When are the changes taking effect?

The changes come into effect on May 31st, 2019 

Q: How will it affect me?

If you live or work in the extended area (also known as the transition area) you will find that the majority of services previously provided by Cork County Council will be provided by Cork City Council from May 31st, 2019 

Q: Is there a map showing the boundary change? Where can I view it?

A map showing the changes to the Cork City Boundary can be viewed on the websites of both Cork County Council  ( and Cork City Council (

Q: I live in the transition area. I have had dealings with County Hall. Will this change?

If you live in the transition area, you will find that the majority of services previously provided to you by Cork County Council, will be provided by Cork City Council from May 31st, 2019. A full list of the services transferring is available on our website ( )

Q: Will my local councillors remain the same?

Local Government Elections are being held on the 24th May 2019. These elections will be based on the revised boundaries and will elect councillors for the next five years. 

Q: I usually phone my local Council office if I have an issue. Will I be able to continue to contact my local Council office?

You will be able to contact your local Council office and depending on the service you require, you may be advised to contact at alternative Cork City Council office to help resolve your query. A list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is available on the websites of both Cork County Council ( ) and Cork City Council (

Information Help-lines will also be available for any questions/queries. 

Cork County Council: 021 4285054

Cork City Council: 021 4924444

Q: Will the changes impact on how I pay my Local Property tax?

The payment of your Local Property Tax will continue to be managed by the Revenue Commissioners. 

Q: I live in the transition area and am registered to vote in the Cork County Council elections. Will the changes mean that I will in future be voting in the Cork City Council elections?

Yes, from now on, you will be voting in Cork City Council elections. You will no longer be eligible to vote in Cork County Council elections. Your vote should have automatically transferred to Cork City Council but please check the Cork City Council register at to confirm this. Should you not find your name on the register, you will need to contact Cork City Council at 021 4924444

Q: Will my polling station remain the same?

Polling Stations and Booth numbers may change from 24thMay, 2019 but will still be within the vicinity of your home. Polling cards will issue as normal to advise you of your polling station. If you live in the transition area and you have any query on this, you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: Where can I obtain further information?

Further information can be gained from the websites of both Cork County Council ( and Cork City Council ( where you will find a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Information Help-lines will also be available for any questions/queries. 

Cork County Council: 021 4285054

Cork City Council: 021 4924444

Q: I have a few questions about the boundary change. Who can I discuss these with?

Information Help-lines have been set up for all questions and queries that you may have in relation to the Boundary Changes.

Cork County Council: 021 4285054

Cork City Council: 021 4924444

Alternatively, you can speak with your Local Elected Councillor, or call the switchboard of either Cork County Council 021 4276891 or Cork City Council 021 4924000 

Q: I am a Council tenant living in the Transition Area- What do I need to do about my housing rent payment?

In relation to rent payment, you will continue to pay your weekly rent to Cork County Council up to and including Thursday, May 30th 2019. You will become a tenant of Cork City Council with effect from Friday, May 31st and from that date, you must pay your rent to Cork City Council. Cork City Council will be in touch with you prior to 31st May with details on how to change your rent payments to them.

Q: I am a Council tenant living in the Transition Area- What s I need a repair carried out at my house?

All maintenance calls logged with Cork County Council up to and including Thursday, May 30th 2019 will be dealt with by Cork County Council. All maintenance issues arising with local authority houses from the 31st May 2019 must be logged with Cork City Council. Cork City Council will be in touch with you prior to 31st May 2019 with details on how to log maintenance calls arising from that date.

Q: I am a Council tenant living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do if I have an open Disability Grant (Disabled Persons Grants) application?

All Disabled Persons Grant (DPGs) applications logged with Cork County Council up to and including Thursday 30th May 2019 will be processed by Cork County Council. Any open applications where works have not completed before the 31st May 2019 will be transferred to Cork City Council and will fall under their remit. Cork City Council will be in touch with you, post-May 31st 2019 in this regard.

Q: I am a RAS (Rental Accommodation Scheme) tenant living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do?

From the transfer date, you will become a RAS tenant of Cork City Council.  As such, there will be no change for you, other than the Local Authority which administers your RAS tenancy.  Your Landlord will also be contacted in relation to the change of Local Authority.    

If you have an open Social Housing application with Cork County Council, you will be contacted separately in relation to this.   With effect from 31st May 2019, for any change in your circumstances, income, family composition or if you receive notice from your landlord, you should advise the RAS Unit in Cork City Council by email at [email protected] or by phone on 021 4924444 In relation to rent payment, you will continue to pay your weekly rent to Cork County Council up to and including Thursday, May 30th 2019. You will become a tenant of Cork City Council with effect from 31st May and from that date, you must pay your rent to Cork City Council. Cork City Council will be in touch with you prior to 31st May with details on how to change your rent payments to them.

Q: I am a HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) tenant living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do?

From the transfer date, you will become a HAP tenant of Cork City Council.  As such, there will be no change for you, other than the Local Authority which administers your HAP tenancy.  Your Landlord will also be contacted in relation to the change of Local Authority.

If you have an open Social  Housing application with Cork County Council, you will be contacted separately in relation to this. With effect from 31st May 2019, for any change in your circumstances, income, family composition or if you receive notice from your landlord, you should advise the HAP Unit in Cork City Council at [email protected] or phone Cork City Council on 021 4924444  In relation to your HAP rent payment, there will be no change for you as you will continue to pay your weekly rent to the HAP Shared Services Centre in Limerick.

Q: I am a tenant of an Approved Housing Body living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do?   

The transition between Local Authorities will not affect you in any way.

Q: I am a Social Housing applicant living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do?

If you have an open Social Housing application with Cork County Council, the Housing Directorate will contact you individually in this regard.

Q: I am an applicant for a Private Housing Grant living in the Transition Area - What do I need to do?

All Private Grant applications logged with Cork County Council up to and including Thursday 30th May 2019 will be dealt with by Cork County Council. All new Private Grant Applications from the 31st May 2019 must be logged with Cork City Council. 

Q: I have an open loan application or want to make an application for a loan and I live or want to buy in the Transition Area?

Cork County Council will accept applications up to Thursday, May 30th 2019 and process these. Cork City Council will take all new applications from the Friday, May 31st 2019.  After Friday May 31st 2019, applicants with provisional loan approval from Cork County Council, who identify the property they wish to purchase within the transition area, will be advised by Cork County Council that their full approval will be adjudicated on by Cork City Council and their full file will be sent to the City Council for processing. (Applicants will have to sign a consent form allowing CCC to transfer the file.)  Cork City Council will complete the process and will send the file to its Credit Committee for approval of Loan Drawdown.  Cork County Council will not be in a position to advance a loan on a property in the transition area after Thursday, May 30th 2019.    

Q: I have a Home Loan with Cork County Council and I live in the transition area. How will I be affected by the Boundary Extension?

Your home loan and all associated arrangements remain with Cork County Council and are not affected by the Boundary Extension.   

Q. What libraries are impacted by the boundary extension?

There are 3 libraries impacted by the boundary extension. They are:

  • Ballincollig
  • Blarney
  • Glanmire

* Douglas Library also falls within the transition area but is already managed by Cork City Council

Q. What does the boundary extension mean for these libraries and for library members?

The boundary extension means that from Friday, May 31st, 2019 the 3 libraries listed above will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. From that date, Cork City Council will be responsible for their maintenance and management including membership, library stock, library events and activities.

Q. I am a member of one of these libraries. Do I need to do anything?

No. There will be no change to your membership as a result of the boundary extension. Some online services may be affected and further information will issue.

Q. I have a general question that relates to one of these libraries. Who should I contact?

From May 31st, 2019 for any queries relating to the 3 libraries listed above you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444. Alternatively, you can call into the library as usual during their opening hours.

Q. Will my old library card work after May 30th?

Yes, Cork City Libraries may change your card at some time in the future but for the moment your original card will work in the three libraries or indeed any City or County branch.

Q. Will there be a change in opening hours?

There will be no change to the current opening hours.

Q: Will the motor tax function be impacted by the boundary extension?

There will be no change to the processing of motor tax. Cork County Council will remain the responsible authority for processing all applications. You can continue to manage your motor tax online at or at the public counter at the Motor Tax Office, Model Business Park, Model Farm Road, Cork T12 XP80 or over the phone at 021 4544566

Q. What Parks, Playgrounds, Multi-Use Games Areas (MUGAs), Skate Parks, Tone Zones (Outdoor Gyms) and Allotments are impacted by the Boundary extension?

From Friday May 31st 2019 a number of recreation and amenity facilities in the transition area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. These are:

Playgrounds, Parks, Multi Use Games Areas, Outdoor Gym Equipment, Skate Parks etc:

  • Ballincollig: Innishmore Lawn and the entirety of The Regional Park and Gunpowder Mills, Ballincollig
  • Douglas: Playground located in Douglas Park & ‘Tone Zone’ (outdoor gym equipment) at Harty’s Quay, Rochestown
  • Blarney Playground
  • Tower Playground
  • Glanmire Playground


  • The Regional Park Ballincollig
  • Ballybrack Valley ( Mangala), Douglas
  • Clogheenmilcon, Blarney
  • John O’ Callaghan Park, Glanmire


  • Allotments at the Regional Park, Ballincollig.

Public Toilet

  • Public toilet located at the Innishmore entrance to the Regional Park, Ballincollig.

Q. What does the boundary extension mean for these recreation and amenity facilities?

The boundary extension means that from Friday May 31st 2019 all of the recreation and amenity facilities listed above will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. From that date Cork City Council will be responsible for their maintenance and management including repairs and litter control.

Q. I want to report an issue or fault with one of these facilities. Who should I contact?

From May 31st 2019 you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444 to report any issues relating to these facilities.

Q. I want to enquire about an allotment in the Regional Park. Who should I contact?

From May 31st 2019 you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444 for any queries relating to the Allotments in the Regional Park.

Q. Will there be a change in opening hours?

There will be no change to the current opening hours.

Planning Policy – County Development Plan/Local Area Plans

Q: If a site is in the Transition Area, will the County Council’s County  Development Plan apply?

The Cork County Development Plan 2014 and the Local Area Plans for the Ballincollig / Carrigaline, Blarney/ Macroom, Cobh and Bandon/ Kinsale Municipal Districts contain policies, objectives, zonings and standards that apply to development/planning applications within the Transition Area.   

These plans will remain in force when the City Council takes over responsibility for the Transition Area on 31st May 2019 and, where provisions of the plans apply to the Transition Area, they will be implemented by Cork City Council.  The plans will continue to apply in the Transition Area until such time as they are superseded by new plans, prepared by Cork City Council.  

The planning policy for the area transferring to the City Council will, therefore, remain the same in the short/medium term, it will just be implemented by Cork City Council instead of Cork County Council. Click the link for details of Cork County Council’s current County Development Plan Policies.

Q: When will the new Cork City Development Plan, dealing with the Transition Area, be adopted?

It will be a matter for Cork City Council to decide when they are making the City Development Plan.

Q: What planning policies will apply to the Transition Area after the 30th May 2019?

The policies and objectives of the Cork County Development Plan, 2014, as amended, and the Ballincollig / Carrigaline, Blarney/ Macroom, Cobh and Bandon/ Kinsale Municipal District Local Area Plans, 2017, will remain in place until Cork City Council adopt their new Cork City Development Plan.  Click the link for details of Cork County Council’s current County Development Plan Policies.

Local Area Plans

Q: There are existing Municipal District Local Area Plans, parts of which cover territory within the Transition Area.  Will the zonings and objectives contained in these plans remain in place after the transition date?

The provisions of the current Municipal District Local Area Plans, as they apply to the Transition Area, will remain in effect until such time as new plans are made, or the current plans varied, by Cork City Council. Details of Cork County Council’s current Municipal District Local Area Plans can be viewed here:

Development Standards

Q: Will the density, parking and open space standards set out in the County Development Plan continue to apply to the Transition Area, once that area becomes part of the City?

Yes, the existing provisions and standards of the Cork County Development Plan, 2014 will continue to apply to the areas that were formerly part of the County, until such time as the City Council adopts a new City Development Plan that includes these areas.  

Land Use Zoning

Q: Where land which is zoned for development in the current Municipal District Local Area Plans will now be part of Cork City’s boundary, does the current land use zoning still apply? 

Yes, the provisions of the Municipal District Local Area Plan continue to apply in the Transition Area and will be implemented by Cork City Council, until such time as the current Local Area Plan is superseded by a new Development Plan or Local Area Plan, prepared by the Cork City Council.  Click the link for details of Cork County Council’s current Municipal District Local Area Plans.

Planning Applications                  

Q: Where an application is submitted to Cork County Council for a site in the Transition Area and it is subsequently invalidated, which planning authority should the revised planning application be re-submitted to?

The revised planning application should be submitted to Cork County Council if it is being submitted on or before 30th May 2019. It should be submitted to Cork City Council if it is being submitted on or after 31st May 2019.  

Q: If a planning application is submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May and it is invalidated, does another planning application fee have to be paid to Cork City Council when the application is being submitted on or after 31st May 2019? 

As it is a new application to a different Planning Authority a new fee must be paid to Cork City Council.  However, a refund can be requested by the applicant in writing from Cork County Council.

Q: Where an application for outline permission is lodged or granted by Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and an application for permission consequent is sought on or after 31st May 2019, which Planning Authority should the application be submitted to? 

An application for planning permission consequent being submitted on or after 31st May 2019 should be made to Cork City Council.

Q: Where an application for an Extension of Duration of a permission is sought on an application on or after 31st May, 2019  which was permitted by Cork County Council, which Planning Authority should the application be submitted to? 

An application being submitted on or after 31st May, 2019 for an extension of duration of a permission granted by Cork County Council for a site in the Transition Area should be made to Cork City Council.

Q: Where an applicant wishes to make an application and part of the site is in Cork County Council area and part is in the Transition Area, which Planning Authority should the application be made to?  

An application must be submitted to both Local Authorities as the site straddles the new boundary between Cork County Council and Cork City Council. 

Q. Where a planning application has been submitted to Cork County Council for a site in the Transition Area on or before 30th May, 2019, and Cork County Council requests Further Information on the application, which Planning Authority should the Further Information be returned to? 

The Further Information should be returned to Cork County Council where Cork County Council requested the Further Information as Cork County Council will issue a decision on all planning applications received up to and including 30th May, 2019.  

Exemptions under Section 97(5) of Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended (exempted from provision of social & affordable housing being provided as part of the development) 

Q: Where an application for an Exemption Certificate  under Section 97(5) of the Planning & Development Act, 2000, as amended, is being sought for a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the application for the Exemption Certificate be submitted?

The Application for the Exemption Certificate should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May, 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May, 2019.

Q. Where an exemption cert application under Section 97(5) of the Planning & Development Act 2000, as amended, is issued by Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and the planning application is subsequently lodged to the City Council on or after 31st May, does the applicant need to apply for another exemption cert to the City Council? 

The Exemption Cert issued by Cork County Council should be submitted with the planning application to the City Council. It will not be necessary to apply for another Exemption Certificate from the City Council. 

Planning Development Contributions

Q: What development contributions will apply for amenity in the Transition Area?

From the transfer date onwards, Cork City Council’s General Development Contribution Scheme (made under Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)) and its Supplementary Development Contribution Scheme (made under Section 49 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)) will apply to the Transition Area.


Q: Where planning permission is granted by Cork County Council for a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority is compliance documentation submitted to?

The compliance documentation should be sent to Cork County Council on or before 30th May, 2019 and it should be submitted to Cork City Council on or after 31st May, 2019.

Protected Structures 

Q: If property is located within the Transition Area and is a Protected Structure, will it continue to be a protected structure when the area transfers to the City on 31st May 2019?

Yes.  Structures in the Transition Area listed for protection in the Cork County Development Plan 2014 will continue to be protected structures on 31st May 2019.  The Record of Protected Structures will come up for review as part of the next review of the Cork City Development Plan so any future changes will be a matter for the City Council.  Click the link for details of Cork County Council’s current County Development Plan Policies.

Q: What Protected Structures are located within the Transition Area?

All Protected Structures are currently listed in the Cork County Development Plan, 2014. The list of Protected Structures located within the Transition Area can be viewed at the following link: List of Protected Structures Transfering to Cork City Council.

Architectural Conservation Areas - Protected Structures 

Q: If property is located within the Transition Area and is within an Architectural Conservation Area, will it continue to be in an Architectural Conservation Area, when the area becomes part of the city boundary? 

Yes.  Architectural Conservation Areas listed for protection in the Cork County Development Plan 2014 will continue to be protected after the 30th May 2019.  Policies relating to Architectural Conservation Areas within the Transition Area will be implemented by Cork City Council. Architectural Conservation Areas will come up for review as part of the next review of the City Development Plan, so any future changes to Architectural Conservation Areas within the Transition Area will be a matter for the City Council.  Click the link for details of Cork County Council’s current County Development Plan Policies.

Recreation and Amenity

Q: Will it still be an objective to provide open space and recreation and amenity facilities as part of new residential development in the Transition Area?

The existing provisions and standards of the Cork County Development Plan, 2014,  will continue to apply until such time as the next City Development Plan is adopted, or the current Plan varied, by Cork City Council.

Q: Will recreation and amenity projects proposed in the Transition Area continue to be progressed?

It will be a matter for Cork City Council to progress projects in the Transition Area from 31st May 2019 onwards.

Strategic Land Reserve

Q: Does the boundary change affect the Strategic Land Reserve process?

Any Strategic Land Reserve locations within the Transition Area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council.  Strategic Land Reserve locations remaining in the Cork County Council administrative area will continue to be advanced as part of the County Council’s Active Land Management responsibilities.  Click the following links for details of Cork County Council’s current County Development Plan Policies and for details of Cork County Council’s current Municipal District Local Area Plans.

Vacant Site Register

Q: Does the boundary change affect the Vacant Sites Register process?

All entries on Cork County Council’s Vacant Sites Register that are located within the Transition Area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. Vacant Sites Register entries remaining in the County Council administrative area will remain as part of the Council’s Vacant Sites Register process.   

Section 5 Declarations under Planning & Development Act 2000 – Exempted Developments 

Q: Where the site for which a Section 5 Declaration is being sought is in the  Transition Area, which Local Authority should the Section 5 Declaration be submitted?

The Section 5 Declaration should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May, 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q.    Where a Section 5 Declaration for a site in the Transition Area is submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May, 2019, which Local Authority makes a decision on the Section 5 Declaration?

Where the application is processed on or before 30th May, 2019, Cork County Council issues the decision on the Section 5 Declaration.  Where the application is not processed by 30th May, 2019, the application will be transferred by Cork County Council to Cork City Council and the City Council will thereafter issue the decision.

Q.    Where Further Information has been sought by Cork County Council regarding a Section 5 application,  which was submitted to the County Council on or before the 30th May, 2019 for a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the Further Information be submitted to?

The Further Information should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May, 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May, 2019. 

Appeal on Declarations      

Q: Where the County Council issues a decision on a Section 5 Declaration Application for a site in the Transition Area, and the decision is appealed to An Bord Pleanala, which Local Authority will process the appeal?    

Cork County Council will continue to have responsibility for all applications until the appeal process is concluded by An Bord Pleanala.

Planning Searches

Q: Where the site for which a Planning Search is being sought is in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the planning search request be submitted to?

The Planning Search request should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May 2019 and it should be submitted to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q: Where a Planning Search for a site in the Transition Area is submitted to Cork County Council, which Local Authority makes a decision on the Planning Search?

Cork County Council issues the correspondence and documentation on the Planning Search where the request has been submitted to the County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and Cork City Council issues the correspondence and documentation for requests submitted on or after 31st May 2019.

Planning Appeals

Q: Where an appeal is submitted to An Bord Pleanala regarding a planning decision made by Cork County Council which relates to a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority will process the appeal?

Cork County Council will continue to have responsibility for the application until the appeal process is concluded by An Bord Pleanala.

Requests for copy of planning file(s) or other documentation

Q: Where the site for which the request for a copy of a planning file or other documents is being sought is in the area being transferred to the City Council known as Transition Area (TA), which Local Authority should the request be submitted to?

The request for a copy of the planning file or other documents should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Planning Development Contributions 

Q: Where an application in the Transition Area is decided by Cork County Council on or before 30th May, what Planning Development Contributions Scheme will apply? Planning Development Contributions will be levied in accordance with Cork County Council’s Development Contribution Scheme. 

Q: Where an application for a site in the Transition Area is decided on by Cork County Council/Cork City Council on or after 31st May, what Planning Development Contribution Scheme will apply?

From 31st May, 2019, onwards, Planning Development Contributions will be levied in accordance with Cork City Council’s Development Contribution Scheme for applications within the Transition Area, irrespective of whether Cork County Council or Cork City Council makes the decision on the planning application.

Strategic Housing Developments (SHDs)

Q: If a meeting is being sought for a Section 247 Consultation under Planning & Development Act 2000 (PrePlanning Meeting between the applicant and the Planning Authority) in respect of a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the meeting be sought with?

The meeting should be sought with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and Cork County Council will invite the relevant Cork City personnel to attend the S247 Consultation subject to the consent of the applicant. The meeting should be sought with Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q: If An Bord Pleanála (ABP) arranges a Section 5 Pre-Application Consultation under Planning & Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 (PrePlanning meeting between the applicant, the Planning Authorities and An Bord Pleanála)   what is the procedure regarding the meeting?

ABP will issue agenda, chair the meeting, keep a record of the meeting and invite relevant personnel from Cork County Council and/or Cork City Council.  Personnel from both Councils are invited to such meetings if the site borders the existing County/City Boundary or if it will border the new County/City boundary.

Q: If an application for an SHD is made to An Bord Pleanála (ABP) post 30th May 2019 and Cork County Council has held a Section 247 Consultation, what is Cork County Council’s role regarding the application?

In accordance with section 8(5)(a) of the Planning & Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Act 2016 Act, both authorities, Cork City and Cork County Council, will submit Chief Executive’s reports to An Bord  Pleanála (ABP)

Q: Where An Bord  Pleanála (ABP) grant planning permission for a Strategic Housing Development in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the compliance documentation be sent to?

The compliance documentation should be sent to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and it should be submitted to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Urban Expansion Areas (UEAs)

Q: Where a request for a Strategic Housing Development (SHD) preplanning consultation is being sought for the development of a site within an Urban Expansion Area (UEA) in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the preplanning meeting be sought with?

The request for a S247 preplanning meeting should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and it should be sought from Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.  Where such a meeting is sought with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019, Cork City Council relevant officials are invited to attend such meetings in an observer’s role subject to the applicant’s agreement.

Q: Where a Landowner/Developer has engaged with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 in relation to the development of their lands within an Urban Expansion Area (UEA) in the Transition Area, which Local Authority facilitates discussions with the said Landowners/Developers going forward?

All meetings and discussions with developers/landowners for sites within Urban Expansion Areas (UEAs) in the Transition Area will be held with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and with Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019. 

Q: Which Local Authority should local residents or members of the public direct enquiries to regarding Urban Expansion Areas (UEAs) within the Transition Area?

Local residents or members of the public with a specific enquiry about an Urban Expansion Areas (UEA) within the Transition Area should direct their enquiry to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May.

State Agencies/Public Bodies       

Q: Which Local Authority should relevant State Agencies (DHPLG, OPW, TII, NTA, DES etc) contact in relation to the UEAs within the Transition Area going forwards?

All relevant State Agencies should engage with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and engage with Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Ballinglanna/Dunkettle UEA, Glanmire      

Q: Where a landowner considered to be directly affected by the Part 8 Project “Glanmire Road Improvements and Sustainable Transport Works” has been issued correspondence by Cork County Council, which Local Authority should that landowner engage with going forwards?

Queries from affected landowners should be directed to Cork County Council’s Housing Infrastructure Implementation Team on or before 30th May 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q: Which Local Authority should the Developer of the Ballinglanna Urban Expansion Area (UEA) engage with going forwards?  

The Developer shall engage directly with Cork County Council on or before the 30th May 2019.  Cork City Council will be attending all meetings between County Council and their appointed Design Consultants up until 30th May 2019.  The Developer shall engage with Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Housing Estates

Q: Where an application is submitted by a Developer, property owner to Cork County Council to have an estate taken in charge but the estate has not been taken in charge by 30th May 2019 (Transition Date), what happens to the application after 31st May 2019?

Cork County Council will forward all files and correspondence on such estate(s) to Cork City Council at Transition Date and the City Council will continue to process the application and decide on it.

Q: If a cash security was provided to Cork County Council in respect of a development within the Transition Area, what happens to the Cash Security after 31st May 2019?

Security provided to Cork County Council will be transferred to Cork City Council in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2019.

Q: If a Bond was provided to Cork County Council in respect of a development within the Transition Area, what happens to the Bond after 31st May 2019?

Bonds provided to Cork County Council will be transferred to Cork City Council at Transition Date in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2019.

Q: How do I know if an estate within the Transition Area is taken in charge?

All such queries should be directed to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019.  From 31st May 2019 onwards, queries should be directed to Cork City Council.

Enforcement Complaints under Planning Law

Q: Where the site which is the subject of a new planning enforcement complaint is in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the complaint be submitted to?

The complaint should be lodged with Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and it should be lodged with Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019. Cork County Council will consult with Cork City Council with regard to any “open complaints” (complaints not dealt with and closed out) received for sites in the Transition Area on or before 30th May 2019. 

Q: Where an Enforcement File has been opened by Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and the site is in the Transition Area, which Local Authority will be dealing with the open Enforcement file on or after 31st May 2019?

Cork County Council will be dealing with the complaint in consultation with Cork City Council.    

Q: Where a complaint is submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019, regarding an unauthorised development in the Transition Area and another person wishes to make a complaint about the same enforcement issue, which Local Authority should the complaint be submitted to on or after 31st May 2019? 

The additional complaint details in relation to the same enforcement issue should be submitted to Cork County Council and the County Council shall consider next steps following consultation with Cork City Council. 

Q: Where Cork County Council has an existing open Enforcement File for a site in the Transition Area and if a new complaint is being lodged on or after 31st May 2019, regarding additional issues arising on the same site, which Local Authority should the details of the new complaint be submitted to?

Cork City Council will be dealing with all new complaints in the Transition Area on or after 31st May 2019, therefore the new complaint details must be submitted to Cork City Council.

Q: Where Cork County Council has an existing open Enforcement File for a site in the Transition Area and a planning application is lodged with Cork City Council on or after 31st May, 2019 to regularise the enforcement issue(s), should the applicant advise the Enforcement Section of Cork County Council that they have lodged a planning application with Cork City Council?

It would be essential to advise Cork County Council’s Enforcement Section that a planning application has been lodged to regularise the enforcement issue. Cork County Council is required to consult with Cork City Council on all enforcement cases in the Transition Area that are not dealt with (closed out) prior to 31st May 2019.

Directional Sign Licences

Q: Where the site for which a Directional Sign Licence application is being sought is in the Transition Area, which Local Authority should the Application for a Directional Sign Licence be submitted to?

The licence application should be submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May 2019 and to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q: Where a Directional Sign Licence application for a site in the Transition Area is submitted to Cork County Council on or before the 30th May 2019, which Local Authority makes a decision on the Licence application?

Cork County issues the decision on the Directional Sign Licence application. Subsequently, the file will be forwarded to Cork City Council who will deal with the renewal of the licence in the future. Directional Sign Licence application due for renewal in the Transition Area on or after the 31st May 2019 should be submitted to Cork City Council.

Planning Appeals

Q: Where an appeal is submitted to An Bord Pleanala regarding a planning decision made by Cork County Council which relates to a site in the Transition Area, which Local Authority will process the appeal?

Cork County Council will continue to have responsibility for the application until the appeal process is concluded by An Bord Pleanala.

Cultural Heritage

Q: Which Local Authority should any queries regarding Heritage for sites/locations in the Transition Area be submitted?

Any heritage queries emanating from/relating to the Transition Area should be submitted to Cork County Council up to including 30th May 2019. All such queries arising on or after 31st May 2019, should be submitted to Cork City Council. 

Q: When does Heritage Week 2019 Event Registration take place and where do events taking place in the Transition Area have to be registered?

Heritage Week 2019 takes place from 17th August 2019 to 25th August 2019.  Events which are planned within the Transition Area have to be registered for the Cork City Programme online at

Q: Which Local Authority will promote Heritage Events in Cork?

There are many groups and organisations that operate and organise heritage events in both Cork County and Cork City, with recognition that audience interest in heritage transcends boundaries. Cork County Council will continue to promote events of relevance, whether they are taking place in the County or City and will also promote other events outside of cork (i.e. national heritage conferences, etc.). 

Q: Where individuals/groups receive email updates regarding Heritage/Creative Ireland/Commemorations related events and projects which are in the Transition Area, will such individuals/groups continue to receive these updates following the boundary alteration on 31st May 2019? 

Many groups and individuals located within the Transition Area receive frequent email updates with regard to Heritage/Creative Ireland/Commemorative related events and projects in the County. If a group or individual wishes to continue to avail of this service from Cork County Council, the service will be maintained automatically.  If a group or individual no longer wishes to receive the update from Cork County Council, they must send an email to [email protected] requesting removal and their contact details shall be removed from the listings. 

Q: When does Tree Week 2019 take place? 

Tree Week 2019 took place between 31st March and 7th April, 2019. All groups and organisations in County Cork, including those in the Transition Area, who are engaging in the week, had the opportunity to avail of trees and promotion of their event by Cork County Council.  Cork County Council will deal with all applications received on or before the closing date. Proposals for Tree Week from groups and organisations in the Transition Area will have to be submitted to Cork City Council for 2020 and onwards.

Q: Creative Ireland County Cork Grant Scheme?

The closing date for receipt of applications for grants under Creative Ireland Cork County Grant Scheme is mid-April 2019.  Groups in the Transition Area may, therefore, apply to Cork County Council under the 2019 Scheme. If the proposal is funded by Cork County Council in 2019, this must be clearly stated by the recipient(s) in any and all publications/promotional material produced. 

Q: Which Local Authority can proposals be submitted to for Creative Ireland County Cork Pop-up Shops Scheme?

Proposals for pop-up shops within the Transition Area must be submitted to Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019. Proposals must be submitted to Cork City Council’s Creative Ireland Office on or after 31st May 2019.  If it the proposal is funded by Cork County Council in 2019, this must be clearly stated in any and all publications/promotional material produced regarding the Pop- Up Shop.

Q: When does Cruinniú na nÓg 2019 take place and where do events taking place in the transition area have to be registered?

  Cruinniú na nÓg 2019 takes place on 15th June 2019 which will be after the Transition Date of 31st May 2019. Therefore events which are taking place in the Transition Area must be registered with Cork City Council’s Creative Ireland Office. 

Q: Which Local Authority will be dealing with Commemorations in the Transition Area?

Both Cork County Council and Cork City Council will continue to work on a number of commemorative projects. Where projects/events relate to/take place in Cork County on or before 30th May 2019, Cork County Council’s Commemorations Office will continue to be the appropriate point of contact.   Where events/projects relate to/take place in the Transition Area on or after 31st May 2019, the City Council will be the appropriate point of contact. 

Q: If Community groups/organisations working in the Transition Area have any queries, which Local Authority can they be sent to?

The Heritage, Commemorations and Creative Ireland Sections of Cork County Council is keen to ensure that the transition has a minimal affect on the excellent groups and organisations engaged in this arena. Any queries which groups/organisations working in the Transition Area have can be sent to the Heritage Officer in Cork County Council on or before 30th May 2019 and must be sent to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019. 

Archaeology and Built Heritage

Q: Which Local Authority can queries regarding Archaeological Monuments, Protected Structures and Archaeological Conservation Areas be submitted to?

Queries emanating from/relating to the Transition Area should be submitted to Cork County Council up to and including 30th May 2019.  Queries should be submitted to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019. 

Q: Which Local Authority should Archaeological Discoveries be advised to?

The appropriate point of contact in this regard is the National Monuments Service. Where a discovery/find is made in the Transition Area, the information should also be communicated to the County Archaeologist in Cork County Council up to and including 30th May 2019 and where the discovery/find is made in the Transition Area on or after 31st May,  it should be communicated to the City Archaeologist, Cork City Council. 

Q:  If a request is being made to add/delete a Protected Structure in the Transition Area from the Record of Protected Structures, which Local Authority should the request be submitted to?

The request should be submitted to Cork County Council up to and including 30th May 2019 and it should be submitted to Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019.

Q: Which Local Authority should a Section 57 Declaration under the Planning & Development Act, 2000, as amended, be submitted to?

Section 57 applications in respect of works affecting the character of protected structures or proposed protected structures in the Transition Area must be submitted to Cork County Council up to and including 30th May 2019. These applications must be submitted to City Council’s Conservation Office on or after 31st May 2019. 

Q: Which Local Authority can Preplanning/Planning advice be sought in respect of any built heritage and/or archaeological implications of development proposals in the Transition Area?   

Pre-planning /planning advice can be sought from Cork County Council’s Heritage Section in the Planning Directorate on or before 30th May 2019.  Advice must be sought from Cork City Council on or after 31st May 2019. Where a pre-planning meeting is being held in relation to any significant proposed development in the Transition Area, City Council personnel will be invited to attend these meetings subject to the applicant’s agreement. 

Q: Which Local Authority will deal with Community Groups regarding the management of any Graveyards in the Transition Area?

Where existing community groups such as Tidy Towns are involved in the upkeep of their local historic graveyard(s) which are in the Transition Area, they can continue to deal with Cork County Council regarding any plans/procedures on or before 30th May 2019. They must contact Cork City Council on or after 31st May, 2019.    

Q: I am a ratepayer in the Cork city environs. How do I establish whether or not I am impacted by the boundary change?

You may view the transition area map here to ascertain whether you are affected. If unclear, please contact your Area Rate Collector (details on your Rate Bill) or the Rate Collection Office at tel. 021 4285252 or e-mail [email protected] 

Q: My premises is in the transition area. How am I affected?

Under the Local Government Act 2019, Cork County Council will remain the rating authority for 2019. Commercial rates for 2019 are therefore payable to Cork County Council. Rates for 2020 and thereafter will be payable to Cork City Council.  

Q. How do I apply for a New Road Opening Licence?

From the 31st May 2019, Road Opening Licences in the transition area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council. Applicants who require information regarding affected applications or licences within the boundary extension area should contact the RMO at [email protected]. Some general Information around Road Opening Licences.

Q: The Public roadway is damaged / in poor condition. Who can I report this to?

From May 31st you can report this to Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: There is a fallen / dangerous tree on public property in my area. Who do I report this to?

From May 31st you can report this to Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: The ditch/ hedging is growing onto the roadway. Who do I report this to?

From May 31st you can report this to Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: There is an issue with faulty/ damaged equipment in the playground. Who do I report this to?

From May 31st you can report this to Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: I wish to apply for a scaffolding licence. Who do I contact?

From May 31st you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to apply.

Q: I wish to apply for a hoarding licence. Who do I contact?

From May 31st you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to apply.

Q: There is a blocked sewer in the Public roadway. Who should I report this to?

You should contact Irish Water on1850 278 278 or at

Q: There is a problem with my water supply. Who can I report this to?

You should contact Irish Water on1850 278 278 or at

Q: The gullies on the roadway are blocked. Who can I report this to?

From May 31st you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q:The roadway is flooded / my house is flooding. Who do I contact to report this?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q:There is a problem with traffic lights not working properly. Who do I contact to report this?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q: I want to try and obtain Speed Ramps in our Estate. Who should I contact about this?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: The footpaths are damaged – how do I report this and who maintains same?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q: There is a dead animal on the roadway / in a public area. Who can I contact to remove it?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q:There are damaged ring buoys (lifebuoys) or missing ring buoys (lifebuoys). Who can I report this to?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q:The line markings on the road have faded. Who can I contact to report this?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q: I need to apply for an abnormal load permit. Who deals with these?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to apply for this.

Q: The street lights are not working – who do I report this to?

You can report a faulty streetlight at   Electric Skyline Portal.

Q: I’m proposing to develop a site. Who do I talk to about sight distances and services required?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: I am looking for records of existing services in the Roadway. Where can I obtain these?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: I want to erect Temporary Signage advertising an event. Who do I talk to and can I get a permit?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: I want to get a Disabled Space painted outside my property. How do I go about this?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this

Q: There is litter / illegal dumping on the side of the road. Where do I report this to?

From May 31st you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to report this.

Q: What roads restoration/improvement works are being undertaken this year?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: How do I get our damaged footpaths on the Footpath Program?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: There is an abandoned vehicle on the Public Roadway. Who do I report this to and how do I get it moved?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: How do I go about getting our housing estate taken in charge?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: We are organising a litter clean up in our estate. Will the Local Authority be able to help in any way?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: We are looking for ‘No Dog Fouling’ Signs to be erected. Who will do this / how do we go about it?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: There is a burst water main. Who deals with this?

You should contact Irish Water on 021 4924444 or at

Q: Who can I talk to about road sweeping outside my house / estate?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: Is where I live a Private or a Public Roadway? How do I find out?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: I work with the Tidy Towns. Who can I talk to about assisting with clean ups etc?

From May 31st you should contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444to enquire about this.

Q: How do I apply for a New Road Opening Licence?

From the 31st May 2019, Road Opening Licences in the transition area will become the responsibility of Cork City Council, in line with Section 13(1)(c) of the Local Government Act 2019.

To ensure licence holders within the transition area are working under a valid Road Opening Licence and to minimise disruption to all stakeholders, the following actions will apply for applications and licences:

  1. New Road Opening Licence applications–being made between now and midnight 30th May, for works in the transition area, must be duplicated to Cork City Council at the time the application is being submitted to Cork County Council.
  2. The Cork County Council reference number should be included in the duplicate application in the works location description as follows‘Duplicate2019CO----‘.
  3. The duplicate application to Cork City Council must contain all elements of the original application to Cork County Council. This is facilitated through the ‘Copy Licence’ functionality on MRL. A guide can be found here. […]
  4. Cork County Council will collect application charge only on the road opening applications submitted between now and the 31st May for works in the boundary extension area.

Long Term Impact charges will be collected at ‘guarantee period’ stage or after by Cork City Council.

  1. All licences granted by Cork County Council in the boundary extension area will be valid until 14th June 2019 i.e. the validity period for these licences will cease on 14/6/19, by the inclusion of a special condition on all licences granted from here on.
  2. The front page of the licence will show the end of the validity period as being 3 months from commencement date – but this will be superseded by inclusion of the special condition referred to above.
  3. The licence holder is encouraged to complete all works by the 14th June, 2019 so that you can (T5) sign-off the completed excavations.

Where works (part of the original application) will be progressing beyond the 14th June, you must (T5) sign-off the incomplete excavations as “works not done” in order to close out the County Council licence, at which stage the duplicate City Council licence will come into force for the remainder of the validity period of original County Council Licence.

Q: What happens with my existing Road Opening Licence application?

Existing Road Opening Licences,in the transition area, should be progressed to (T5) sign off stage where appropriate & when fully compliant with the licence conditions and Purple Book guidelines.

  1. Licences issued by Cork County Council for the transition area having a validity period beyond the 14th June, and where such works will not be completed by close of business on the 14th June, will require a duplicate licence from Cork City Council to enable you to complete the works after the 14th June, under a valid licence.
  2. The applicant must submit the duplicate application to Cork City Council no later than the 6th June, so that Cork City Council can grant a licence for the works to continue beyond 14th June, 2019 (to the end date as per the County Council licence).

An additional application charge will not be payable to Cork City Council for the issuing of any ‘duplicate’ licences referred to above.

Detailed maps of the boundary extension area can be found on the Cork City Council website.

Applicants who require information regarding affected applications or licences within the boundary extension area should contact the RMO at [email protected].

Q: What will happen in relation to the next phase of the Ballybrack Cycle track?

Cork County Council has completed the preliminary design for Phase 4 of this scheme and the Part 8 planning process was commenced on 22nd February, 2019. It is envisaged that the Part 8 planning process will be concluded prior to the Transition Date which will enable Cork City Council to deliver the project. Financial support has been confirmed by the National Transport Authority.

Q: Will Donnybrook Hill Pedestrian Enhancements be completed prior to the Transition Date?

The contract for this scheme has been awarded by Cork County Council with construction envisaged to commence before the end of March 2019. It is envisaged that these works will be completed by the transition date of 30th May, 2019. However, if the programme extends past the transition date, works will be overseen and managed by Cork City Council from 31st May, 2019, until the project is completed.

Q: What is the status of South Douglas Road to Tramore Valley Park connection?

It is envisaged that these works will be completed under the supervision of Cork County Council ahead of the Transition Date.

Q: What is the status of Grange Road to Tramore Valley Park path including N40 overbridge?

It is envisaged that the detailed design of this scheme will be completed by Cork County Council ahead of the Transition Date. It will be matter for Cork City Council to progress the Construction Phase thereafter.

Q: What is the status of the South Douglas Road – N40 Junction 7 upgrade?

A revised outline design will be completed by Cork County Council ahead of the Transition Date. It will be a matter for Cork City Council to progress the Implementation Phase thereafter.

Q: What is the proposal regarding Inniscarra Bridge?

Detailed design is on-going. Advanced micro-tunnelling works to facilitate the installation of ducting for the signalisation of the bridge will be completed in April 2019. On completion of detailed design, tenders documents for the signalisation of the bridge and associated works will be issued. It is envisaged that works will be completed by Cork County Council by the transition date. If the programme extends past the transition date, the works will be managed and overseen by Cork City Council with effect from 31st May until the project is completed.

Q: I will be licensing my dog after the 31st May-how does the boundary change affect me?

An Post are the primary avenue for the issue and renewal of dog licences. You can apply for a dog licence or a lifetime dog licence either at your local post office or via their online service.

Note: If you need a General dog licences (ie for 20 dogs or more) you should-from the 31st May next – contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q:  How are other veterinary and animal welfare services impacted by the boundary change?

For residents and businesses within the boundary transition area, from the 31st May next,  all communications and queries in relation to the following veterinary and animal welfare services should be made to Cork City Council.  Cork City Council can be contacted on 021 4924444 with any queries you may have in relation to any of the following:

  • Control of Dogs –incident reports/complaints
  • Registration of Dog Breeding Establishments
  • Control of Horses – including reporting of stray horses
  • Fallen Animals (in a public place)
  • Animal By-products (ABPs)
  • Stray / abandoned dogs

Q. Will my local councillors remain the same?

Local Government Elections are being held on the 24th May 2019. These elections will be based on the revised boundaries and will elect councillors for the next five years.

Q. I live in the transition area and am registered to vote in the Cork County Council elections. Will the changes mean that I will in future be voting in the Cork City Council elections?

Yes, from now on, you will be voting in Cork City Council elections. You will no longer be eligible to vote in Cork County Council elections. Your vote should have automatically transferred to Cork City Council but please check the Cork City Council register at to confirm this. Should you not find your name on the register, you will need to contact Cork City Council at 021 4924444

Q. Will my polling station remain the same?

Polling Stations and Booth numbers may change from 24th May, 2019 but will still be within the vicinity of your home. Polling cards will issue as normal to advise you of your polling station. If you live in the transition area and you have any query on this, you can contact Cork City Council on 021 4924444

Q: There is a burst water main. Who deals with this? 

You should contact Irish Water on 1850 278 278. or at

Q: There is a problem with my water supply.  Who can I report this to?  

You should contact Irish Water on 1850 278 278. or at

Q: My property is located in the transition area and supplied by a public water scheme. What are the changes for me?

There will be no change to the service provided. All queries will continue to be administered by Irish Water who may be contacted at 1850 278 278.

Q: My property is located in the transition area and serviced by a public waste water scheme. What are the changes for me?

There will be no change to the service provided. All queries will continue to be administered by Irish Water who may be contacted at 1850 278 278.

Q: My property is located in the transition area and I have a current new water and/or waste water connection application. What are the changes for me?

There will be no change for you. Irish Water will remain the point of contact for new connections and can be contacted on 1850 278 278.

Q: My property is located in the transition area and I wish to apply for as new water and/or waste water connection. What are the changes for me?

There will be no change for you. Irish Water will remain the point of contact for new connections. An application can be made at

Q: My property is located in the transition area and I have a current well grant application. What are the changes for me?

There will be no change for you. Cork County Council will continue to manage your application.

Q: My property is located in the transition area and I wish to make an application for a well grant. What are the changes for me?

All well grant applications in the transition area made on or after 31st May 2019 will be administered by Cork City Council who can be contacted at 021 4924444

Q: My property is located in the transition area and in the region where the 2 flood relief schemes, Douglas/Togher and Glanmire, are due to commence. What are the changes for me?

There are currently 2 ongoing Flood Relief Schemes in the transition area, Douglas/Togher and Glanmire. There are dedicated websites for both of these schemes, and, where points of contact are available. Cork City Council will now be responsible for these projects and may also be contacted at 021 4924444