Project Team Working on Delivering a New Greenway Between Dungarvan and Mallow, to Broaden the Study Area
Project team working on delivering a new greenway between Dungarvan and Mallow explores the potential for the Greenway to support sustainable travel.

Cork County Council and Waterford City & County Council in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, have today confirmed that an additional feasibility study will be undertaken on the Dungarvan to Mallow Greenway.
The option selection process is a critical decision-making point and before further advancing and closing out this process, the decision has been taken to re-assess the feasible options between Dungarvan and Mallow. The project team will use the summer months to take stock of the strategic plan for the project to ensure that it is in the best possible position to progress successfully through the future planning process and onwards to delivery. The feasibility review will also ensure that the project remains consistent with updated national policies.
In addition to creating a tourism experience that supports the economic development of the region, this much anticipated green infrastructure has the potential to connect communities with key places of work, study and recreation. The use of historic infrastructure and existing built heritage to link people with their local population centres, sports pitches, and schools is an important objective of this green initiative.
Given the further development of national policy in relation to providing safe and segregated sustainable transport options, the project team will review the study area to ensure that the objectives of connecting local communities to key services and enabling a modal shift are fully utilised on the project.
Upon completion of the feasibility study, and subject to continued funding availability, it is anticipated that the scheme will progress to design and environmental evaluation, prior to seeking planning consent. This approach is consistent with new Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) guidelines and with their support, Cork County Council and Waterford City & County Council are committed to developing this critical green infrastructure.
We wish to thank the community stakeholders across County Waterford and County Cork who have taken time to engage with the Project Team. This local knowledge has been invaluable in informing the evolution of this greenway project. We appreciate the robustness of this engagement, and we will continue to work closely with the community as we widen out the study area to explore multiple options.
As the project develops, project updates will be available at and any future public consultations on the study area will be advertised in due course.