LGBTQIA+ Book Club from Cork County Council Library Service

A new initiative from Cork County Council Library & Arts Service is seeking expressions of interest from adult members of the LGBTQIA+ community to join its first online LGBTQIA+ Book Club.

Staff are currently selecting books for the groups, where LGBTQIA+ Book Club members can look forward to discussing titles such as Real Life by Brandon Taylor, Cleanness by Garth Greenwell and The House Among the Trees by Julia Glass.

This Book Club is the first initiative planned as part of Cork County Council’s Words Will Change Worlds project, which is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to help increase visibility and awareness of the LGBTQIA+ Community, as well as alleviating some of the issues felt, such as social isolation, especially in rural areas.

Plans are also in place later this year to deliver a festival for younger library members, where participating classes and groups will be invited to read from a selection of books and will have an opportunity to hear from the Authors.

Welcoming the project, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Mary Linehan Foley said,

“Cork County Council’s Library and Arts Services continues to do incredible work in bringing people together and connecting library members with their community. This latest initiative will provide an invaluable service to LGBTQIA+ members of our community, providing an opportunity to connect with a network of people with similar experiences. Book Clubs provide many social and health benefits, and with our Library Service on hand to create a welcoming environment for discussion, I encourage all who are interested to get in touch.”

The Library Service will provide LGBTQIA+ themed books and facilitate the meetings. Adults over 18 are welcome to join. Expressions of Interest can be emailed to or telephone 021 4546499.

This project is supported by the LGBTI+ Community Services Fund 2020.