The role of the Local Authority is to promote Cork County as an attractive location for business to locate, grow and expand, for people to invest, and for employers and employees to work and live.
Cork County Council works to support business and the creation of employment, in co-operation with enterprise support agencies, entrepreneurs, community groups, and other stakeholders. It does this with the following initiatives:
Supporting the development of the industrial and commercial infrastructure of County Cork, including business parks, industrial sites, and incubator units.
Working with international, national, regional, and local partners to promote Cork, and facilitate exports, trade, and sharing of best practice.
Supporting our local ratepayers through a variety of capacity raising initiatives as available from the Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), Macroom E, and retail and town centre initiatives.
Provision of financial support through Grant aid from the LEOs and the Economic Development Fund (EDF).
For further information contact: [email protected].

Economic & Community Data
The Cork Economic and Community Data Monitor provides the most up-to-date information for Cork County. The Monitor is regularly updated and provides detailed and verified data across fifteen different themes, encompassing sectors such as Population, Housing, Economy and Employment, Health and Education.

Cork County Council Local Enterprise Offices
Local Enterprise Offices (LEO's), act as a "First Stop Shop" for anyone seeking information and support on starting or growing a business in Ireland.

Council Supported Initiatives

Business Lands & Units

EU co-Funded Projects

Commercial Rates
Commercial Rates is a local commercial property tax which part funds the expenditure programmes of Cork County Council.