CDR EUROPE Project - Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe
The overall objective of this INTERREG EUROPE co-funded project is to improve implementation of regional development policies supporting the uptake of Corporate Digital Responsibility (CDR) in SMEs and the public sector, thanks to interregional exchange cooperation among regional policy actors.
This project will consider how public policy can better support SMEs, both traditional and innovative/high-tech, to become more digitally responsible. In this way, SMEs should be more competitive, resilient, but also socio-environmentally sustainable.
The project will contribute to increasing the capacity of project partners to support CDR, through measures such as:
• Public communication campaigns on aspects of CDR;
• Training schemes for IT professionals, researchers and other enterprise employees;
• Consultancy schemes to design, develop and implement CDR policies in enterprises;
• Funding schemes to support responsible production and application of digital technologies;
• Networking and cooperation support in aspects related to CDR.
General Description of the Pilot Action: In line with the indications of the Interreg Europe 2021-27 Programme manual, our implementation-orientated pilot action tests a new approach to public intervention. It concerns a new initiative jointly designed by the project, thanks to interregional learning.
An international CDR Manifesto exists and is a starting point for our interregional learning. However, given the novelty of CDR, no partners have identified a practical model that helps SMEs to assess CDR level, identify priorities / areas of weakness and adapt internal organisation and use of digital technologies / data towards more responsible procedures.
SMEs consulted in the application phase suggest that such a model, matched with support in applying it, may be important. They also suggest that public funding would be required in an initial phase.
The Pilot develops and tests a first version of this model through interregional learning. The starting point can be the CDR Manifesto, adapted with partners’ thematic and policy expertise. All pilot partners contribute to developing the CDR EUROPE model, which is translated and adapted to regional needs.
The Pilot Action foresees active participation of 4 CDR EUROPE territories (Tuscany, Romania, Catalonia, Ile de France). All contribute with their specific expertise and will help to create joint material. Each will then translate / adapt to their territorial context. The various stages of the pilot (as described above and in the work plan) will be taken out in each region. All are committed to monitoring the pilot, to document possible policy input and make decisions for mainstreaming.
Cork County Council’s Pilot Action :
• Our next Digital Strategy must support the ESG pillars of People, Planet, Prosperity and Governance; delivered through collaboration – internally and with external stakeholders.
• An implementation plan for the LGMA National Digital Strategy could be developed through the CDR framework.
• CDR aligns perfectly with ESG pillars and provides a means to measure the impact of our ESG outcomes.
• Cork County Council is a business and how we integrate CDR into our organisation will allow us to assist SMEs and other stakeholders in their digital transition journey.
• The Project Team has identified that the Council is part of a digital ecosystem beyond our organisation boundaries. What we do effects staff, citizens and business communities in this space. ‘Their success is our success.’
• CDR provides a meaningful competitive edge for organisations in the public or private sector, whether in terms of costs via enhanced sustainability and efficiency, or consumer choice, recruitment or reputation from an ethical perspective.
• The internal stakeholder group will continue to work in parallel with our external stakeholder group. Our activities will converge at a future event where progress will be shared and exchanged. The National ICT and Digital Strategy project will be informed of CDR project progress and invited to present at a future event.
- Italy: Arezzo Innovation, and Regional Government of Tuscany.
- Finland: Regional Council of South Ostrobothnia.
- Hungary: Prime Minister’s Office.
- Romania: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding.
- Spain: Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia.
- France: Cap Digital.
- Ireland: Cork County Council.
Associate Partners:
- France: Ile-de-France Region.
- Romania: Ministry for Research, Innovation and Digitalization.