Bandon-Kinsale Municipal District
51.70295, -8.52181
Municipal District: Bandon-Kinsale
Municipal District Officer: Brian Dunne
Chairperson: Cllr. Gillian Coughlan
Location of Municipal District Office: Municipal Hall, St John’s Hill, Kinsale, Co. Cork
Eircode: P17VF60
Contact Number: (021) 4772154 (Kinsale) and (023) 8841181 (Bandon)
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Towns | Bandon, Kinsale |
Key Villages | Ballinspittle, Belgooly, Inishannon, Riverstick |
Villages | Ballinadee, Kilbrittain, Old Chapel |
Village Nuclei | Aghyohill, Ballyfeard, Ballyheada, Crossmahon, Dunderrow, Gaggan, Garrettstown/Garrrylucas, Nohoval,Tinkers Cross |
Other Locations | Ballymartle, Barrells Cross, Brownsmill, Jagoe’s Mill, Kilcolman, Killeady, Kilmacsimon Quay, Oysterhaven, Sandycove, Tracton |
Historical & Archaeological Places to Visit | Charles fort, Kinsale James fort, Kinsale Signal tower, Old Head of Kinsale Historic town of Bandon Historic town of Kinsale Historic town of Innishannon |
Outdoor Fitness Equipment | Ballinspittle Bandon Killbrittain Pier Road, Kinsale |