Bandon-Kinsale Municpal District office Castle and Blue sky

Bandon-Kinsale Municipal District

51.70295, -8.52181



Municipal District: Bandon-Kinsale

Municipal District Officer: Brian Dunne

Chairperson: Cllr. Gillian Coughlan

Location of Municipal District Office: Municipal Hall, St John’s Hill, Kinsale, Co. Cork

Eircode: P17VF60

Contact Number: (021) 4772154 (Kinsale) and  (023) 8841181 (Bandon)

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Map Overview

Elected Members

Towns Bandon, Kinsale
Key Villages Ballinspittle, Belgooly, Inishannon, Riverstick
Villages Ballinadee, Kilbrittain, Old Chapel
Village Nuclei Aghyohill, Ballyfeard, Ballyheada, Crossmahon, Dunderrow, Gaggan, Garrettstown/Garrrylucas, Nohoval,Tinkers Cross
Other Locations Ballymartle, Barrells Cross, Brownsmill, Jagoe’s Mill, Kilcolman, Killeady, Kilmacsimon Quay, Oysterhaven, Sandycove, Tracton
Historical & Archaeological Places to Visit Charles fort, Kinsale
James fort, Kinsale
Signal tower, Old Head of Kinsale
Historic town of Bandon
Historic town of Kinsale
Historic town of Innishannon
Outdoor Fitness Equipment Ballinspittle
Pier Road, Kinsale