Cork County Council to Receive €3.7 Million in Additional Roads Funding

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O'Flynn meeting with Minsiter of Transport, Jack Chambers TD at Leinster House, accompanied by a delegation from Cork County Council.

 I am delighted that Minister Chambers has listened to the concerns expressed by Cork County Council in relation to the deteriorating condition of the county's road network. I was satisfied that the meeting was positive and constructive and that the Minister listened to, and understood, our concerns. The council made a very compelling case for additional funding, and it is great to see our efforts proving successful. Communities from across Cork County will benefit from these road improvement measures."

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’Sullivan, added,

This additional funding will assist Cork County Council in delivering our annual road strengthening work programmes, and will facilitate improvements to the county's road infrastructure necessitated by the recent severe weather events and persistent rainfall. Protecting and improving the existing road network is fundamental in terms of road safety and connecting people and places across the county.