Funding for 134 Local Enhancement Projects and 27 Women’s Groups Across County Cork

End result of eepair of Hare sculpture from Ahiohill Tidy Towns who received funding through the Local Enhancement Programme.

Cork County Council’s Local Community Development Committees (LCDC’s) for North, South and West Cork have announced their combined list of projects that will be awarded funding from the LCDC Local Enhancement Programme and Women’s Group Fund 2024.  

The scheme aims to assist communities in carrying out minor improvements to buildings, minor renovation of community centres, development of community amenities, the purchase of equipment and to carry out improvements to common areas including energy-saving projects.

Funded through the Department of Rural & Community Development and managed by the three Cork County Council LCDCs (Local Community Development Committees), just over €245,000 was allocated to Cork County which included €40,926 of capital funding for Women’s Groups including the continued support of Women’s Sheds Groups.

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Frank O’Flynn congratulated the successful projects saying,

The Local Enhancement Programme allows Cork County Council to work with and support local communities in identifying and improving facilities and amenities in their areas. Well done to each of the successful community projects.

In the North Cork LCDC area, 40 projects were awarded funding from the Local Enhancement Programme which included a €2,500 grant to Ballindangan Community Council for the provision of blinds to the windows and doors of the Community Centre and €2,550 to Mallow Women’s Shed for the purchase of benches.

In South Cork LCDC, 51 projects were successful in receiving funding with €2,500 awarded to Killeagh Community Centre for painting and €2,000 to Clondrohid Defibrillator Committee for additional equipment, plus an allocation of €868 for sports equipment to the Sister Hub in Aghada under the Women’s Group Fund.

A further 45 projects received a share of the €79k in the West Cork LCDC area with Rosscarbery Tidy Towns awarded €600 for equipment towards the upkeep of their local area, while Kinsale Mens Shed received €2,500 for upgrades to their building. Under the Women’s Groups, Mizen Women’s Shed received €2,000 towards purchase of equipment and Bere Island Women Create were allocated €983 toward purchase of sewing machines and a printing press.

Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Valerie O’Sullivan commented,

 Cork County Council’s Local Enhancement Programme is targeted towards enhancing facilities for communities impacted by disadvantage, as identified in the Local Economic and Community Plan. The new scheme follows on from the very successful Community Support Fund in 2023 which supported over 180 groups in Cork County. Funds such as these help communities turn their aspirations into reality, in turn building stronger, more vibrant communities for residents and visitors alike.

Details of all the successful applicants for funding can be found below.