Future Proofing History: Plans for a New Guide to County Cork's Commemorative Landscape

A castle with many people stadning outside

A uniquely future orientated reflection of County Cork’s rich historical past is set to commence with the announcement that Cork County Council will develop a comprehensive guide to commemorations from 2025 to 2040. The initiative is supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport, and Media.

Mac Conmara Heritage Consulting will develop the guide, which will serve as a resource for documenting, understanding, and celebrating the memorial landscape across the county. Through a process of public consultation and community engagement, it will offer insights into how historical and contemporary events may be remembered in the years to come.

Welcoming the initiative, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Joe Carroll, said 


This guide will become an essential tool for locals, visitors, historians, and cultural enthusiasts alike, offering a supportive resource for memorials, monuments, and commemorations throughout Cork for the next fifteen years. I am confident that this project will enrich County Cork’s commemorative and cultural legacy and will ensure that our commemorative landscape continues to inspire and educate future generations.

Renowned as experts in the field of cultural heritage, Mac Conmara Heritage Consulting will work closely with historians, local heritage, and community groups to map out County Cork’s rich commemorative landscape. The consultancy, led by historian Dr Tomás Mac Conmara, has a proven record of preserving and interpreting Ireland’s history.

While the project will be largely informed by the results of public consultation, highlights will include a focus on the centenary of key events such as the Irish revolutionary period, with updates to historical sites like Béal na Bláth, Kilmichael amongst others.

The cultural legacy of the county will be a central theme with suggestions on how to honour the county’s creative writers, artists, poets, and musicians. These may include sculptures, murals, public art, bursaries, or festivals, which will ensure the county’s cultural heritage is celebrated for years to come. The county’s inextricable connection with the Irish diaspora through places such as Cobh will also be a focal point, presenting opportunities to build on County Cork’s connection to the global Irish community.

Over the coming months, community consultation will be undertaken to ensure that the guide is reflective of the broader opinions in the county. An online digital survey will also invite members of the public to contribute ideas on what they believe should be commemorated.

If you are a local heritage or community group, or an individual who wants to suggest a commemoration for inclusion, email commemorations@corkcoco.ie for more information. The completed guide is scheduled for release in 2025.

Cuirfear tús le léiriú uathúil atá dírithe ar thodhchaí stair shaibhir Chontae Chorcaí leis an bhfógra go bhforbróidh Comhairle Contae Chorcaí treoirleabhar cuimsitheach do chomóradh ó 2025 go 2040. Tugann an Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus na Meán, tacaíocht don tionscnamh seo.

Forbróidh Mac Conmara Heritage Consulting an treoirleabhar, a bheidh mar acmhainn chun an tírdhreach cuimhneacháin ar fud an chontae a dhoiciméadú, a thuiscint agus a cheiliúradh. Trí phróiseas comhairliúcháin phoiblí agus rannpháirtíochta pobail, tabharfaidh sé léargas ar an gcaoi a bhféadfar cuimhneamh a dhéanamh ar imeachtaí stairiúla agus comhaimseartha sna blianta amach romhainn.

Ag fáiltiú roimh an tionscnamh, dúirt Méara Chontae Chorcaí, an Comhairleoir Joe Carroll,  an méid seo 


Beidh an treoirleabhar seo ina huirlis riachtanach do mhuintir na háite, do chuairteoirí, do staraithe agus do dhíograiseoirí cultúrtha araon, ag tairiscint acmhainn thacúil le haghaidh cuimhneacháin, séadchomharthaí agus cuimhneacháin ar fud Chorcaí go ceann cúig bliana déag. Táim muiníneach go saibhreoidh an tionscadal seo oidhreacht chomórtha agus chultúrtha Chontae Chorcaí agus cinnteoidh sé go leanfaidh ár dtírdhreach comórtha ag spreagadh agus ag cur oideachais ar fáil do na glúine atá le teacht.


Aitheanta mar shaineolaithe i réimse na hoidhreachta cultúrtha, oibreoidh Mac Conmara Heritage Consulting go dlúth le staraithe, grúpaí oidhreachta áitiúla agus pobail chun tírdhreach saibhir cuimhneacháin Chontae Chorcaí a leagan amach. Tá taifead cruthaithe ag an gcomhairleacht, faoi stiúir an staraí Dr Tomás Mac Conmara, ar stair na hÉireann a chaomhnú agus a léirmhíniú.

Cé go mbeidh an tionscadal bunaithe go mór ar thorthaí an chomhairliúcháin phoiblí, áireofar fócas ar na buaicphointí ar chomóradh céad bliain d’imeachtaí tábhachtacha mar thréimhse réabhlóideach na hÉireann, le nuashonruithe ar shuíomhanna stairiúla ar nós Béal na Blá, Cill Mhichíl agus roinnt eile.

Beidh oidhreacht chultúrtha an chontae mar théama lárnach le moltaí maidir le conas ómós a thabhairt do scríbhneoirí cruthaitheacha, ealaíontóirí, filí agus ceoltóirí an chontae. D’fhéadfadh dealbha, múrmhaisiú, ealaín phoiblí, sparánachtaí nó féilte a bheith i gceist leo seo, a chinnteoidh go ndéanfar oidhreacht chultúrtha an chontae a cheiliúradh ar feadh na mblianta atá le teacht. Beidh nasc doscaoilte an chontae le diaspóra na hÉireann trí áiteanna ar nós an Chóibh ina phointe fócasach chomh maith, ag tabhairt deiseanna tógáil ar an gceangal atá ag Contae Chorcaí leis an bpobal Éireannach domhanda.

Sna míonna amach romhainn, déanfar comhairliúchán pobail lena chinntiú go léireoidh an treoir na tuairimí níos leithne sa chontae. Tabharfaidh suirbhé digiteach ar líne cuireadh freisin do bhaill an phobail smaointe a thabhairt ar na rudaí a chreideann siad ar cheart dúinn a chomóradh.

Más grúpa áitiúil oidhreachta nó pobail thú, nó más duine aonair atá ag iarraidh comóradh a mholadh le cur san áireah, seol ríomhphost chuig commemorations@corkcoco.ie  chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil. Tá an treoir beartaithe le bheith críochnaithe le heisiúint in 2025.