Mayor launches Cork School Garden Competition for Primary Schools 2025

Two men standing wearing chains while four children in front of them hold farming implements and signs.

The Mayor of County Cork, Cllr Joe Carroll, has launched the Annual School Garden competition for Primary Schools in County Cork.

The Muintir na Tire competition, sponsored by Cork County Council and Cork City Council, is open to all primary schools in Cork City and County who have a school garden or who are in the process of developing one.

Mayor Carroll said 

Activities that that can help children to learn the importance of nature while staying active are crucial for health and wellbeing. Since its establishment in 2012, the Muintir na Tire School Garden Competition has inspired thousands of students across Cork County to embrace the outdoors and Cork County Council is very proud to have supported the competition each year. I urge all schools around the county to consider signing up this year, whether a new entrant or a long-established participant, we want to see students from every town and village involved.

Muinefliuch National School, winners of the Best School Garden in Cork County in 2024 were among those who attended the launch event at Atkins Gardenworld this week.

The closing date for online entries is Good Friday, the 18th of April. For full competition details and entry form visit: