New Call for Applications for the Community Recognition Fund in Cork County

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Update: The closing date for applications has been extended to 5:00pm on Monday the 17th of February 2025.

Cork County Council is inviting community groups to apply for the latest round of funding under the Community Recognition Fund. The scheme supports the development of community infrastructure and facilities in recognition of the contribution being made by communities across the country in welcoming and hosting significant numbers of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.

Earlier this year, the Department of Rural and Community Development announced details of €50 million in funding under the Community Recognition Fund 2024 with Cork County Council receiving an allocation of €2,014,691 to deliver projects over 2024 to 2026, with funding allocated across three application windows. The third and final window is now open for applications.

The fund aims to support the development of facilities that will be used in the future by all members of the community. It is specifically targeted at projects in communities, towns and villages that are hosting beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and/or International Protection Applicants (New Arrivals), including towns identified for the rapid build homes programme.

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Joe Carroll said,

Communities across County Cork have made huge efforts welcoming and hosting significant numbers of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries. I am encouraging areas that may not have received funding in previous rounds or received minimal funding to apply. The money can be used to develop or enhance facilities that are used by the entire community. This includes walkways and play areas, club and sport facilities, and can be used to buy music, arts or sports equipment or even community vehicles.

Applications that were not successful in Window 1 or 2 may be given further consideration in Window 3, but the application must satisfy all the qualifying criteria. The Department of Rural & Community Development has not issued the outcome of Window 2 applications, an announcement is expected shortly.

Community groups can apply for between €50,000 and €500,000 in funding for capital projects. Projects are required to be shovel ready (with full planning permission and/or consents in place at the time of application), be capital in nature and deliver medium-long term benefits for the communities in which they are located and be capable of being delivered over the course of 2025 and 2026.

For projects over €200,000, additional information must be provided at the application stage giving further details on the needs identified in the location, the engagement and collaboration that resulted in the selection of the location and specific project and the capacity of the community to progress the proposed project.

Applications for Window 3 must be submitted online by clicking the link below by 5:00pm on Monday the 17th of February 2025. Queries in relation to the Community Recognition Fund can be made through your local Municipal District Office or by email to [email protected]