Youghal to Dungarvan Cycle Route Public Consultation Now Open

Waterford City and County Council with the support of Transport Infrastructure Ireland and Cork County Council, invite those who live in, work in or travel in and between Youghal and Dungarvan to participate in a non-statutory public consultation for the Youghal to Dungarvan Cycle Route Project.

Waterford City and County Council, with the support of Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Cork County Council and Technical Advisor, ROD-AECOM, is progressing the development of the Youghal to Dungarvan Cycle Route project.  The project aims to provide a safe, connected and inviting cycle route between Youghal and Dungarvan which will form part of the National Cycle Network (NCN).  

The Project is currently in Phase 2: Options Selection, which is a two-stage process. This involves the identification and assessment of potential route corridors within the study area to determine a preferred route corridor.

Waterford City and County Council and Cork County Council invite those who live in, work in or visit the area and other interested parties to participate in a non-statutory public consultation for the Youghal to Dungarvan Cycle Route Project from Tuesday 20th February 2024 to 5th Tuesday March 2024.

Your participation in this consultation is important and we would value any feedback which you think should be reviewed by the project team to help inform the development of the project.

 To facilitate this, two in-person public consultation events will take place in Youghal and Dungarvan as follows:

The Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, X35 CC97 

  • Tuesday 20th February 2024: 14:30- 20:00 

The Mall Arts Centre, Youghal, Co. Cork, P36 FR96 

  • Wednesday 21st February 2024: 14:30- 20:00 

Members of the project team will be available to discuss any queries or concerns regarding the project.  

 We welcome you to review the project information and complete a feedback form online by visiting our dedicated project website at  

Project information and questionnaires will also be available at: Dungarvan Civic Offices, Dungarvan Library and Youghal Library. Questionnaires and feedback can be posted to: Waterford City & County Council, Active Travel Section, Roads Department, Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford.

If you cannot share feedback online, you can contact the project team by phone on 0818 10 20 20 and state that your call relates to ‘ Youghal to Dungarvan Cycle Route’ or by email at [email protected]