Temporary Closing of Public Roads





Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following road for the period and reason specified below:

Road Subject of Proposed Closure

R-578-323 County Cross – Bog Cross, Dromina, Co. Cork.

Period of Proposed Closure

From 07.00hrs on Monday 16th August, 2021 to 20.00hrs on Monday 23rd August, 2021.

(Daily Closure).

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate Road Strengthening.

Alternative Routes

Traffic wishing to travel East along R578 will be diverted to Walsh Cross Freemount and directed to travel on the R579 into Broadford village.  At junction with R515 traffic will be diverted along the R515 into Dromcollogher.  Traffic will be diverted onto the R522 within Dromcollogher village and continue along R522 until reach to Bog Cross junction Dromina and meet with R578 again.  End of diversion.

Traffic wishing to travel West along R578 will be diverted at Bog Cross junction and directed along the R522 into Dromcollogher.  Traffic will be diverted onto the R515 within Dromcollogher to Broadford until junction with R579 in Broadford village.  Traffic will be directed along R579 until reach junction at Walsh Cross Freemount and meet with R578 again.  End of diversion.

Local Access only will be maintained throughout the duration of the closure.

Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-69-2021, not later than 5.00pm on Tuesday 13th July 2021.  Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services,

Roads & Transportation,

Cork County Council

The Courthouse


Co Cork

Email: [email protected]