Temporary Closing of Public Roads


Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following road for the period and reason specified below:

Roads Subject of Proposed Closure

R-624 Westbourne Place, Cobh, Co. Cork – from its junction with Casement Sq (L-9618) to its junction with The Lower Rd (L-2965-20). 

L-9618 West View Hill and Casement Sq, Cobh Co. Cork – from its junction with Westbourne Place (R-624) to its junction with Bishop Rd/Spy Hill (L-2978). 

Parking restrictions will be in place on the following roads: Rushbrooke Road, High Road, Whitepoint Railway Cottages. 

The High Road will be one way (eastbound traffic). 

The Low Road will be one way (westbound traffic).

Period of Proposed Closure 

From 18:00hrs to 24:00hrs (Daily Closure) on Saturday 17th August, 2024. 
From 14:00hrs to 24:00hrs (Daily Closure) on Sunday 18th August, 2024.

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate The Cobh Regatta.

Alternative Routes

West of Casement Sq: 

  • From the top of Westview Hill (L-9618) at the Spy Hill Junction (L-2978), drive down Spy hill, turn left at the junction with Westbourne Place (R-624). 
  • The stated diversion is applicable in reverse. 

East of Casement Sq:

  • From the top of Westview Hill (L-9618) at the Spy Hill Junction (L-2978), drive north and turn right onto Park Lane (L-2990). Turn right at the junction and continue down Sandymount Hill with St. Colmans Cathedral on your left. At the next junction, continue SE down Harbour Hill (L-2990). At the next junction turn right onto East Beach Rd (R-624). 
  • From east of Casement Sq, drive east along Westbourne Place (R-624) and turn left onto Pearse Sq (L-6919), continue onto Rahilly St and turn left at the junction onto Sandymount Hill (L-2990). Turn left onto Canon O’Leary Place at the next junction. 

Limited local access will be maintained for residents of West View Hill.


Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-106-2024, not later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 17th July 2024.  Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services
Roads & Transportation,
Cork County Council,
The Courthouse,
Co. Cork.
Email: roadclosures@corkcoco.ie