Temporary Closing of Public Roads

R618 Regional Road, Macroom Town Centre, from the junction of the R618/R584 at the turn off to Coachford on the eastern approach to Macroom to the junction of the R618/L-3418-33 (Masseytown Road) on the western approach to Macroom.

Notice is hereby given that Cork County Council is considering, pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act, 1993, Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, the temporary closure of the following road to public traffic as detailed below for the duration specified. The closure is necessary to facilitate the removal of failed sections of pavement, subsequent strengthening of these sections and resurfacing with bituminous macadam. Works also include site clearance, drainage works, kerbing and footpath works, road markings and traffic management.

Road to be Closed

R618 Regional Road, Macroom Town Centre, from the junction of the R618/R584 at the turn off to Coachford on the eastern approach to Macroom to the junction of the R618/L-3418-33 (Masseytown Road) on the western approach to Macroom.

Dates of Closure

From Monday 10th February 2025 to Friday 2nd May 2025. Nighttime Closure Only 19:00hrs to 06:00hrs Monday Night to Friday Night each week.

Alternative Routes

Westbound Traffic:
Light Goods Vehicles, cars and smaller vehicles

Westbound Traffic will be diverted right at the junction of the R618/R584 onto the R618. Traffic will then turn left onto the L3423-0 before turning left again onto the Coolyhane Road (L3424-0 and L3424-1). Traffic will continue along the Coolyhane Road before turning left onto the Masseytown Road. Once on the L3418-33 traffic can turn right back onto the R618 and continue westbound.

Westbound Traffic: 
Heavy Goods Vehicles

Westbound Traffic will be diverted at Coolcour Roundabout onto the N22. Traffic will continue along the N22 and take the exit at Gurteenroe Junction and left again onto the R582 (Millstreet Road). Once on the R582 traffic will continue as far as the Millstreet Road junction where they can rejoin the R618.

Eastbound Traffic:
Light Goods Vehicles, cars and smaller vehicles

Eastbound Traffic will be diverted left at the junction of the R618/L-3418-33 just west of Macroom Bridge onto the Masseytown Road. Traffic will continue along Masseytown Road before turning right onto the Coolyhane Road (L3424-1 and L-3424-0). Traffic will then turn right onto the L3423-0 and turn right again onto the R618 before rejoining the R584 at Sleveen East.

Eastbound Traffic: 
Heavy Goods Vehicles

Eastbound traffic will be diverted left at Millstreet Road Junction onto the R582 (Millstreet Road). Traffic will continue on the Millstreet Road before turning right onto the N22 at the Gurteenroe junction. Traffic will continue along the N22 eastbound and rejoin the R618 at Coolcour Roundabout.  

The diversion routes will be fully signposted and advance notice will be provided via Variable Message Signs. 
Any person interested may lodge an objection in writing with the undersigned not later than 10 am on Wednesday 22nd January 2025.

Administrative Officer, Cork National Roads Office, Cork County Council, Richmond, Glanmire, Cork. T45 WA44.