Temporary Closing of Public Roads

Cork County Council
Roads Act, 1993
Temporary Closing of Public Roads

Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following roads for the period and reason specified below:

Road Subject of Proposed Closure

N-72-380, Park Road and R-883-0, Thomas Davis Street plus access roads to closure including R-930-0, Shortcastle Street; L-1207-57, Fair Street; L-9014-0, Shoulders Lane; L-1240-0, William O’Brien Street; L-12413-0, Carmichael Lane; L-1242-0, St. James Avenue; L-1243-0, Emmet Street, Mallow.

Period of Proposed Closure 

From 13:00hrs to 15.45hrs (Daily Closure) on Monday 17th March, 2025.

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate St. Patricks Day Parade, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Alternative Routes

Eastbound traffic to divert via N-20-208 to R-930, Beecher Street, turn left to L-1237-0, Lacknalooha, turn right to L-1207-54 Ironmines Road, turn left to L-1246-0, Spaglen and return to N-72-389 at Ballylough Cross.

Westbound traffic to continue South over Mallow Bridge, turn right to R-619-399, turn left to N-20-197 north-bound slip, proceed to Annabella Roundabout and turn left to return to N-72-375, Navigation Road.

Local Access will not be maintained throughout the duration of the closure.


Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-7-2025, not later than 5pm on Wednesday 19th February, 2025.  Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services
Roads & Transportation,
Cork County Council,
The Courthouse,
Co. Cork.
Email: [email protected]