Temporary Closing of Public Roads

Cork County Council
Roads Act, 1993
Temporary Closing of Public Roads

Pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993, & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994, notice is hereby given that Cork County Council proposes to temporarily close the following road for the period and reason specified below:

Road Subject of Proposed Closure

L-3228 Forthill, Summercove, Kinsale, Co. Cork.

Period of Proposed Closure 

From 08:00hrs on Monday 14th April 2025 to 18:00hrs on Friday 18th April 2025 and from 08:00hrs on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 to 18:00hrs on Friday 25th April 2025.  (24hr Closure).

Reason for Proposed Closure

To facilitate traffic calming and drainage works.

Alternative Routes

Vehicles travelling south will be turning left onto Ardbrack Heights, then turning right at the junction with Ardbrack and then right onto Forthill Road.

The stated diversion route is applicable in reverse when travelling in the opposite direction.

Local access will be maintained throughout the duration of the Road Closure.


Objections to this proposed temporary road closure should be made in writing, to the undersigned, quoting Ref: TRC-18-2025, not later than 5.00pm on Wednesday 26th March 2025.  Telephone contact details should be included in the objection.

Director of Services
Roads & Transportation,
Cork County Council,
The Courthouse,
Co. Cork.
Email: [email protected]


De bhun Alt 75 d’Acht na mBóithre 1993, agus Airteagal 12 de Rialacháin na mBóithre 1994, tugtar fógra leis seo go molann Comhairle Contae Chorcaí an bóthar seo a leanas a dhúnadh go sealadach don tréimhse agus leis an gcúis a shonraítear thíos:

Bóthar a Bheidh Faoi Réir an Dúnta Molta

L-3228 Cnoc an Daingin, Carraigín na Plubóige, Cionn tSáile, Contae Chorcaí.

Tréimhse an Dúnta Bóthair

Idir 08:00am Dé Luain, an 14 Aibreán 2025 agus 18:00pm Dé hAoine, an 18 Aibreán 2025 agus idir 08:00am Dé Máirt, an 22 Aibreán 2025 agus 18:00pm Dé hAoine, an 25 Aibreán 2025. (Dúnadh 24 uair an chloig).

An Chúis atá leis an Dúnadh Molta

Chun oibreacha draenála agus moillithe tráchta a éascú.

Bealaí Malartacha

Casfaidh feithiclí atá ag taisteal i dtreo an deiscirt ar chlé ar Ardbrack Heights, sula gcasfaidh sé ar dheis ag an acomhal atá ann le Ardbrack agus casfaidh sé ar dheis ansin ar Bhóthar Chnoc an Daingin.

Tá an bealach atreoraithe a luaitear infheidhme droim ar ais nuair atá tú ag taisteal an treo eile.

Coinneofar rochtain áitiúil fad is a bheidh an Dúnadh Bóthair i bhfeidhm.


Ba cheart agóidí in aghaidh an dúnta bóthair shealadaigh molta seo a dhéanamh i scríbhinn, chuig an té a shínigh, ag lua na Tagartha: TRC-18-2025, nach déanaí ná 5:00pm Dé Céadaoin, an 26 Márta 2025. Ba cheart go gcuirfí sonraí teagmhála fóin san áireamh leis an agóid.

Stiúrthóir Seirbhísí,
Bóithre agus Iompar,
Comhairle Contae Chorcaí,
Teach na Cúirte,
Contae Chorcaí.
Seoladh ríomhphoist: [email protected].