Public Notices

Roads and Transport Collage
Roads and Transportation
22 Sep 2022

Temporary Closing Of Public Road

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Article 12 of the Roads Regulations, 1994, that Cork County Council will, pursuant to Section 75 of the Roads Act , 1993, temporarily close the public road as detailed below, for the period and for the reason specified and that the alternative routes described below will be available while the road is temporarily closed.
Map with text
Roads and Transportation
19 Sep 2022

Ordú Luasteorann Oibreacha Bóthair/ Roadworks Speed Limit Order to facilitate drainage works on the N25 between Carrigtwohill and Midleton, Co. Corkdrainage works on the N25 between Carrigtwohill and Midleton, Co. Cork

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 10 (1) of the Road Traffic Act 2004, as amended, that a Road Works Speed Limit Order has been made in the interests of road safety and to facilitate the construction of the Dunkettle to Carrigtwohill Inter – Urban Cycleway (Phase 3).