Cork County Council Local Enterprise Offices
We aim to promote entrepreneurship, foster sustainable business start-ups and develop existing micro and small businesses to drive job creation and to provide accessible high-quality supports for your business ideas.
Entrepreneurs and Businesses are supported to:
Increase exports
Build resilience
Increase productivity
Prepare for the low-carbon economy
Be managed by ambitious & capable individuals
Fuel regional growth
Enterprise Support 2014-2021
€7,935,532 in Grant Approval to 474 Projects. 19,223 Participants in 1,217 Training Programmes. 6,161 Mentoring Participants. 2,271 Gross Job Gains in last 5 year.
MicroFinance Ireland Loans.
Feasibility Grant.
Priming Grant.
Business Expansion Grant.
Trading Online Voucher.
TAME Grant.
Agile Innovation Fund.
Microfinance Ireland.
Start Your Own Business Programmes.
Mentoring Programme.
Business Training Programmes.
Green for Micro.
LEAN for Micro.
Export Supports.