Stage Two - LECP Public Consultation

Update 28/11/2023

The period of public consultation is now closed. The public submissions, which are accessible below, have been analysed and a report has been published on the outcome of the Public Consultation Process.   In response to the public submissions the draft High-Level Goals, Objectives and SCOT analysis have been revised, the revisions to the draft are detailed in the report.  This report was presented to and approved by the LECP Advisory Group, the North Cork Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), South Cork LCDC, West Cork LCDC, and the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee.

Report on the Public Consultation Process 

The period of public consultation is now closed. The public submissions, which are accessible below, are currently undergoing analysis. The Draft Socio-Economic and High-Level Goals will be revised based on this analysis and subsequently presented to the North Cork Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), South Cork LCDC, West Cork LCDC, and the Economic Development and Enterprise Strategic Policy Committee in September for their approval.

Our virtual room is still accessible if you wish to read about the Local Economic and Community Plan 2024-2030.

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