
Waste Management Planning

The Southern Waste Region comprises the 10 local authority areas of Carlow, Clare, Cork County, Cork City, Limerick City & County, Kerry, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Waterford City & County and Wexford.  The Region covers 42% of the land mass of the country, with a population of over 1.5 million people.  The settlement patterns in the region are evenly split between urban and rural areas, with the four cities of Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny and Waterford having the highest population and strongest centres of economic activity.

Limerick City & County Council and Tipperary County Council are the lead authorities for the Region and manage the Southern Region Waste Management Office (SRWMO).  The SRWMO coordinates the implementation of the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015 – 2021 and is a knowledge resource for all stakeholders with the capacity to promote higher order waste actions in the areas of prevention, reuse, resource efficiency and recycling.

The Role of the Southern Region Waste Management Office is:

To facilitate and service the regional waste steering committee in the implementation of the objectives set out in the Southern Region Waste Management Plan 2015 - 2021.  To develop a prioritised programme of objectives, targets and key performance indicators to ensure that the aims of the Plan are delivered;

To assist, facilitate and coordinate, in partnership with the member local authorities, the implementation of the objectives, policies, actions and targets of the Plan;

To prepare annual reports as required for the region, reporting on performance under each of the policy headings contained within the Plan;

To maintain and establish task groups on specific issues when required;

To prepare applications for grant assistance for regional projects;

To identify, coordinate and facilitate the training needs of the region to ensure effective implementation of the Plan;

To proactively promote prevention, minimisation, re-use and recycling of waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy and in association with industries, businesses, other statutory and non-statutory Agencies; and

To foster community awareness of waste management issues in association with the Environmental Awareness Officers in each of the member local authorities.


Where is the Southern Region Waste Management Office (SRWMO)?

The SRWMO is located in Lissanalta House, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick.

Tel: (061) 496596

Web: southernwasteregion.ie

Email: [email protected]