
Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and People with a Disability

Grants you can apply for using this form

There are three grants available for older people and people with disabilities to help make their home safer and easier to get around. The grants are:

  1. Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability (page 3-4)
  2. Mobility Aids Grant (page 5)
  3. Housing Aid for Older People Grant (page 6-7)

To download the application form in Irish or English please see the following links: Form Iarratais Deontas um Oiriúnú Tithe do Sheanóirí agus do Dhaoine faoi Mhíchumas (pdf) or  Application Form - Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and People with a Disabilit (pdf)

The person who the grant is for must:

•    have the grant application approved before the work starts on the home;

•    live in the home when the work is completed;

•    have their tax affairs in order;

•    have tax clearance from Revenue if the grant is for more than €10,000;

•    show that the Local Property Tax for the home is in order

Checklist for documents to send with this form

To make it easier for you to see all the documents you need to send with this form, there is a checklist on page 20. Remember, you must send proof of income to see what amount of grant you can get.

For grants 1 and 2 you must get a doctor to fill out the Doctor’s Certificate section on page 17-18. Read this checklist – ideally before you start filling out the form – and make sure you send all the documents along with your completed application form.  

You can read the details of Cork County Council Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statements in paper format on request by contacting Cork County Council directly or at www.corkcoco.ie.

Where to send your completed form

You have to apply to Cork County Council, Housing Grants Section using this form for any of these grants. You can fill out this form once and use it to apply for more than one grant. Completed applications should be sent to Cork County Council Housing Grants Section, Annabella, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Questions? If you, or the person filling out this form, have any questions contact:

Housing Grants Section, Cork County Council, Annabella, Mallow, Co. Cork for assistance or:

Phone: (022) 30416

Email: [email protected]