
Private Rented Accommodation Complaints

Tenants occupying rented accommodation not meeting the relevant standards should, in the first instance, contact their landlord in order to give the landlord an opportunity to put the matter right. If a tenant has notified the landlord regarding the need for repairs, but the problem has not been rectified by the landlord, then the tenant may chose to refer the matter to the Local Authority Housing Department for investigation. The Housing Department will issue the tenant with a complaint form, which the tenant should complete fully (providing their details, the landlord/agent details along with full details of their complaint/concerns/query).

Complaints cannot be dealt with when:

  • They are anonymous
  • The matter does not relate to housing standards
  • There is insufficient information given to investigate
  • The tenant is in rent arrears

If it is the opinion of the Housing Section that the complaint requires further investigation, then an appointment will be made to inspect the relevant property and further action initiated if warranted.

Contact: Private Rental Accommodation Inspections, Housing Dept, Cork County Council, Floor 4, County Hall, Cork.

Email: [email protected] or use our Online Enquiry Form.