Help with Reading
We offer a number of leaflets which can act as a guide to the most popular reading schemes and series available in our libraries.
It is important to emphasise that these are only rough guides to ages, as all children progress at different levels with their reading.
The fourth guide covers some series we have specifically aimed at struggling and reluctant readers.
Help with reading guide (pdf).
We have children's book clubs too in selected areas locations subject to local demand.
As part of the Ireland Reads promotion 2021, Dolores Casey, Tjorven Deane and Ikki Keane from Cork County Council Library and Arts Service discuss how to encourage the reluctant child reader. They are Cork County Council Library and Arts Service staff with many years of experience of dealing with literacy needs and recommending books in their local branch libraries.
The discussion in the videos offers tips and strategies from experienced library staff on how to motivate your child and help them to enjoy reading. There are also some book recommendations and alternatives to traditional fiction reading for the child who may need a different approach in their reading journey.
Cork County Library provides a wide range of resources and activities which supports schools in developing children’s literacy, numeracy, creativity and communication skills.
Contact us at [email protected] with requests and for more information.