
Joining the Library

It’s very easy to become a member of Cork County Council Library and membership is free! You can visit any of our 25 library locations or our 4 mobile libraries across the county and fill in a registration form. You will need to bring with you photo I.D. and proof of address.

Children and young people under 18 will need to be registered by their parent or guardian who will need to provide photo I.D. and proof of address. Parents/guardians are responsible for their children in the library, their children’s selections and use of library materials and services, including access to the Internet.

Library membership will allow you to use the library services as follows:

Adult Members can access all library collections, services and can use the internet.

Young Adult (15-17) can access all library collections, DVDs up to 15 rating, and can use the internet.

Young Adult (12-14) can access the children’s and young adult collections, DVDs up to a 12 rating, and can use children’s internet services.

Children (under 12) can access the children’s library, DVDs up to a PG rating, and children’s internet services.

Internet access is subject to the library’s internet access policy.

Adults and children can borrow up to twelve items for three weeks. You can renew your books for a further period by phone, by online renewal or in person. You can not renew an item that is reserved by someone else, or where its renewal limit has been reached.

While fines are now no longer charged, patrons will receive overdue notices to remind them that their books are overdue. Persistent non returning of items after notices have been sent may result in the temporary removal of library services until the matter is resolved.

There is much more to the Library than discovering the exciting world of books! You can use your library membership to learn a new language, look up old newspapers and access historical collections, as well as browse our extensive catalogue of online books and magazines. Library members are also able to use computers and access the internet in branches across the county.

To learn all that is available, check out our library brochure [en](pdf). It can also be viewed in Albanian [sq](pdf), Arabic [ar](pdf), Czech [cs](pdf), Georgian [ka](pdf), German [de](pdf), Hungarian [hu](pdf), Italian [it](pdf)Lithuanian [lt](pdf)Portuguese [pt](pdf), Russian [ru](pdf), Spanish [es](pdf).

If you have any questions, please contact us at (021) 4546499 or e-mail [email protected].

Please note that membership is subject to the County Library Bye-Laws.