Online Services
E-Books and E-Audiobooks
Click here to access the service. You will then need to login using your library card barcode and PIN.
This service offers both E-Audio and E-Books to all library users and these can be enjoyed either on your PC/laptop via the website link (above) or on your mobile device via the BorrowBox app.
For Apple users, visit the iTunes App store and search for BorrowBox. For Android users, visit the Google Play store and search for BorrowBox (one word). For Kindle (Kindle Fire is the only type of Kindle which supports the Borrowbox app) visit the Amazon App store at BorrowBox. Once you have installed the app on your device search for Cork County Library in the 'Library' field provided and then login in the usual way with your library barcode and pin.
A simple user guide is provided here (pdf) and a list of frequently asked questions and answers to those is provided here (pdf).
If you are having difficulties with accessing or using the service please contact [email protected] who will help you with your query.
Who Next...?
Who Next...? A guide to children’s authors
This resource has been designed to suggest other authors which children might enjoy reading similar to ones they may have already read.
To access, please login with your library card and choose Cork County Library.