Large Scale Residential Developments (LRD)
The Programme for Government – Our Shared Future committed to not further extending the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) arrangements beyond their expiry date of 25 February 2022. Action 12.3 of Housing for All also commits to the introduction of a new planning process for Large-scale Residential Developments to replace the SHD process. The main purpose of the Planning and Development (Amendment) (Large-scale Residential Development) Act 2021 is to restore the two-stage planning process, with decision making for Large-scale Residential Development (LRD) type applications returning to the local planning authority in the first instance, with the subsequent right of appeal to An Bord Pleanála (the Board), thereby delivering on the above commitments in the Programme for Government and in Housing for All.
Large-scale Residential Development Information (pdf)
Large-scale Residential Development Meeting Request Form (pdf)
Form 19 - To accompany Large-scale Residential Development Application (pdf)