Part 8 - Proposed Carrigaline Village Public Realm - Waterfront River Park, Carrigaline village, Co. Cork
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (As Amended) - Part XI
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Part XI of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and in accordance with the requirements of Part 8, Article 81 and Article 83 of the Planning & Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended), that Cork County Council proposes to undertake the following development:
Project Title
Carrigaline Village Public Realm - Waterfront River Park
Carrigaline village, Co. Cork.
Between the R611 and the R612, encompassing part of the Owenabue River and the parking area of the existing shopping centre.
Nature and Extent of Development
The proposal is for the construction of a new public open space, including a plaza, pavilions, biodiversity/pollinator planting, open green spaces, and seating area.
The proposed development consists of the following:
- Environmental improvement works and enhancement of public realm and outdoor living to provide a ‘civic identity to the new public realm strongly connected with the water and the river ecology’.
- New waterfront public space (reclaimed from the existing car park) will encourage community activities and connection to the water.
- Enhanced public space to include inclusive street furniture (universal), waterfront seating, rain gardens, trees and shrubs and a covered pavilion.
- High quality urban design and material finishes are proposed including Biodiversity/Pollinator Planting and Sustainable Urban Drainage systems.
- Enhanced pedestrian connectivity and accessibility.
- A multifunctional Public Pavilion will provide a sheltered performance stage for community events, connected to the waterfront.
- Upgrade of public lighting and other ancillary works.
- Additional carparking near the Bóthar Guidel entrance to replace parking reclaimed from the existing Owenabue car park.
- Alteration of entrance to the carpark at Bóthar Guidel to increase pedestrian safety.
Locations and offices at which plans and particulars may be inspected
Below in the 'Document Summary' section.
Area/Divisional Office: Cork County Council Area Office, Church Road, Carrigaline.
Other Office: Planning Counter, Ground Floor, County Hall, Cork County Council, Cork.
The plans and particulars may be inspected as follows:
- By appointment with a member of Cork County Council’s staff, please call the following number: 021 4371800 or by email to [email protected] to make an appointment. Plans and Particulars of the proposed development may be inspected for a period of (not less than) 4 weeks from 29/09/2023 during public opening hours at the offices listed above, Monday - Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm.
- Below in the 'Document Summary' section.
Plans and Particulars of the proposed development may be purchased for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of (not less than) 4 weeks from 29/09/2023. The request should be headed: ‘Part 8 Carrigaline Village Public Realm - Waterfront River Park’ and be addressed to Cork County Council Area Office, Church Road, Carrigaline, Co Cork.
On receipt of a written request the Cork County Council will post or email a copy of the plans and particulars to a member of the public who wishes to make a submission within the statutory timeframe (indicated below).
Submissions or Observations
‘Part 8 Carrigaline Village Public Realm - Waterfront River Park’ and be addressed to Cork County Council Area Office, Church Road, Carrigaline, Co Cork.
On receipt of a written request the Cork County Council will post or email a copy of the plans and particulars to a member of the public who wishes to make a submission within the statutory timeframe (indicated below).
A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made by:
- Online by clicking the 'Make a Submission' Button below: before 4pm on 10th of November 2023
- In writing, the letter should be headed: ‘Carrigaline Village Public Realm - Waterfront River Park” and be addressed to the “Municipal Officer, Cork County Council, Carrigaline MD, Floor 5 County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork. T12 R2NC before 4pm on 10/11/2023.
As per Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening determination has been made and a determination has been made that an EIA is not required. In accordance with Article 120 (3), as amended by S.I. No. 296 of 2018, a person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice (29/09/23) apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Such a submission should be addressed to the Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64, Marlborough Street, Dublin, 1.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Cork County Council.