Part 8 - Proposed Development of Mitchelstown Public Realm Enhancement Plan, Mitchelstown, County Cork
Update 10th of July 2023 - Part 8 Chief Executives Report
Part 8 Chief Executives Report - Mitchelstown Georgian Quarter Public Realm Improvements Part 1
Part 8 Chief Executives Report - Mitchelstown Georgian Quarter Public Realm Improvements Part 2
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended) – Part XI PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2001 (as amended) - Part 8
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of Part XI of the Planning & Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and in accordance with the requirements of Part 8, Article 81 and Article 83 of the Planning & Development Regulations, 2001 (as amended) that Cork County Council proposes to undertake the following development:
Mitchelstown Public Realm Enhancement Plan, Mitchelstown, County Cork.
Location, Town land, or Postal Address Mitchelstown, County Cork in the following areas:
- New Market Square from King St. (L-1436-4) to Upper Cork St. (R-513-137)
- King St. (L-1436-4) between Georges St. (L-1440-0) and New Market Square
- Georges St. (L-1440-0) between Kildorrey Road (R-655-8) and King Square (L-1437)
- Kings Square/ Kingston College from Georges St. L-1440-0, between Castle Farm Road
Nature and Extent of Development
The proposed works consist of enhancements to the public realm within Mitchelstown Georgian Quarter: (Georges St., New Market Square, Kings St. and Kings Square/ Kingston College).
- New Market Square from King St. (L-1436-4) to Upper Cork St. (R-513-137);
- King St. (L-1436-4) between Georges St. (L-1440-0) and New Market Square (L1434-1);
- Georges St. (L-1440-0) between Kildorrey Road (R-655-8) and King Square (L-1437-0);
- Kings Square/ Kingston College from Georges St.(L-1440-0), to between Castle Farm Road (L-1437-0) and Baldwin St (L-1437-0);
Nature And Extent Of The Proposed Development:
- New Market Square Public Realm Enhancements comprising of the following:
- The provision of enhanced public realm to include upgrades to hard landscaping, new street furniture, signage, removal of overhead utilities, improved public lighting, on-street spill out areas, for bars and restaurants, provision of loading bays, cycle parking, upgraded bus stop facilities, street trees and green areas with pollinator friendly planting along with other ancillary works.
- New street furniture, including seating throughout, outdoor gym equipment and play facilities for children.
- The reconfiguration of parking spaces to provide 110 parking spaces, including age friendly and disabled parking spaces in accessible locations.
- The realignment of the road at the perimeter of New Market Square, including the provision of a one-way system for vehicular traffic.
- The provision of a pedestrian priority zone throughout the square including; improved permeability, new routes across the square, increased and level pedestrian crossings at the square’s perimeter, including an additional crossing across Upper Cork St. and level access throughout.
- Re-development of the public toilet and the provision of handwashing facilities for the market.
- The provision of permanent outdoor canopies, designated spaces for market stalls, pop-up services to facilitate market stall holders.
- Provision of Sustainable Urban Drainage: green areas and tree pits to be used for the drainage of surface water.
- All associated site development and landscaping works.
- King St. Public Realm Enhancements comprising of the following:
- The provision of enhanced public realm to include upgrades to hard landscaping, new street furniture, signage, removal of overhead utilities, improved public lighting, cycle parking, along with other ancillary works.
- The reduction of both footpath widths, the provision of designated parking spaces and the narrowing of the carriageway to create a shared road for cyclists and motorists.
- The reconfiguration of on-street parking to create 36 designated parking spaces.
- The provision of street trees on the north side of Kings St.
- Sustainable Urban Drainage; new measures incorporating historic fabric to be used for the drainage of surface water.
- All associated site development and landscaping works.
- Georges St. Public Realm Enhancements comprising of the following:
- The provision of enhanced public realm to include upgrades to hard landscaping, new street furniture, signage, removal of overhead utilities, improved public lighting, cycle parking, cycle lanes, street trees and green areas with pollinator friendly planting, along with other ancillary works.
- The reconfiguration of parking spaces to provide 57 parallel parking spaces, including age friendly and disabled parking spaces in accessible locations.
- The provision of level pedestrian crossings at junctions, between Georges St and Kildorrey Road, Georges St., and James St., Georges St and King St., Georges St and Robert St., Georges St and Edward St.
- Restoration of historic streetscape elements, including the planting of street trees and re-establishment of green verges along Georges St.
- Sustainable Urban Drainage; new measures incorporating existing elements to be used for the drainage of surface water.
- All associated site development and landscaping works.
- Kings Square/ Kingston College Public Realm Enhancements comprising of the following:
- The provision of enhanced public realm to include upgrades to hard landscaping, new street furniture, signage, removal of overhead utilities, improved public lighting, cycle parking, street trees and green areas with pollinator friendly planting along with other ancillary works.
- The provision of a one-way system for vehicular traffic on the roadway surrounding the green spaces in Kings Square/ Kingston College.
- Parking reconfigured along Castle Farm Road.
- The provision of new pedestrian infrastructure including; footpaths beside Castle Farm Road, the central road through Kings Square and the diagonal road between Georges St. and Baldwin St. and level pedestrian crossings at junctions, including the junction between Kings Square and Georges St., Kings Square and Castlefarm Road and Castlefarm Road and Baldwin St.
- All associated site development and landscaping works.
Offices at Which Plans and Particulars may be Inspected
- By appointment with a member of Cork County Council’s staff, please call the following number: (025) 24944 (option 4) or by email [email protected] to make an appointment. Plans and Particulars of the proposed development may be inspected for a period of (not less than) 4 weeks from 02/03/2023 during public opening hours at the offices listed above, Monday - Friday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
- Below in the 'Document Summary' Section
- Plans and Particulars of the proposed development may be purchased for a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy for a period of (not less than) 4 weeks from 02/03/2023. The request should be headed: ‘Part 8 Mitchelstown Georgian Quarter’ and be addressed to the Mitchelstown Area Office, Cork County Council, The Courthouse, Georges St., Mitchelstown, P67 FX04. On receipt of a written request the Cork County Council will post or email a copy of the plans and particulars to a member of the public who wishes to make a submission within the statutory timeframe (indicated below).
A submission or observation in relation to the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made by:
By emailing [email protected], please note Mitchelstown Public Realm Enhancements in the subject line or, in writing, to North Cork Municipal District before 4pm on 13/04/2023.
Online by clicking the 'Make an Online Submission' button below before 4 pm on 13/04/2023.
In writing, the letter should be headed: ‘Part 8 Mitchelstown Georgian Quarter’ and be addressed to the Mitchelstown Area Office, Cork County Council, The Courthouse, Georges St., Mitchelstown, P67 FX04, before 4 pm on 13/04/2023.
As per Article 81 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) screening determination has been made and a determination has been made that an EIA is not required. In accordance with Article 120 (3), as amended by S.I. No. 296 of 2018, a person may, within 4 weeks from the date of this notice (02/03/2023) apply to An Bord Pleanála for a screening determination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. Such a submission should be addressed to the Secretary, An Bord Pleanála, 64, Marlborough Street, Dublin, 1.
It should be noted that the Freedom of Information Act applies to all records held by Cork County Council.
Personal Information may be collected by Cork County Council to enable the processing of your submission/ enquiry. Cork County Council can legally process this information as necessary to comply with its statutory/legal obligations. Such information will be processed in line with the Council’s privacy statement which is available at For certain processes such as Temporary Road Closures, personal data may need to be transferred to a third party where such third party is the applicant. Accordingly, please indicate if you consent to the transfer of your personal information to the applicant.