Planning and Development

Section 38 - Proposed School Zone Initiative at L2992 Bishops Street and associated Traffic Calming Works at L2989 (Aherne Place, Midleton Street, Canon O’Leary Place) and L9635 College Manor, Cobh, Co. Cork.

Cork County Council

Road Traffic Act 1994

Proposed School Zone Initiative at L2992 Bishops Street and associated Traffic Calming Works at L2989 (Aherne Place, Midleton Street, Canon O’Leary Place) and L9635 College Manor, Cobh, Co Cork.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, Cork County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to carry out a Proposed School Zone Initiative at L2992 Bishops Street and associated Traffic Calming Works at L2989 (Aherne Place, Midleton Street, Canon O’Leary Place) and L9635 College Manor, Cobh, Co Cork.

Drawings and particulars indicating the proposals are available for inspection at Cork County Council, Cobh Municipal Engineering Office, Cobh, Co. Cork and may be inspected during normal office hours from Friday 17th June to Monday 18th July 2022 inclusive. The plans are also available below.

Submissions regarding the proposals may be made in writing to the Senior Executive Engineer, Regional & Local Roads Design Office, Cork County Council, Floor 3, County Library Building, Cork or to by Monday 18th July 2022.

Director of Services, 17th June 2022.