Roads and Transportation

Section 38 – Proposed Enhanced Traffic Calming and Active Travel Measures as part of the Ringaskiddy Urban Realm and Active Travel Project

Cork County Council

Road Traffic Act 1994

Proposed Enhanced Traffic Calming and Active Travel Measures as part of the Ringaskiddy Urban Realm and Active Travel Project , Ringaskiddy, Co Cork.

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, Cork County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to enhance traffic calming and active travel measures along the N28 at Ringakiddy from the junction with the R613 Barnahely Road to the L2545 at Gobby Beach.

Drawings and particulars indicating the proposals are available for inspection at the Cork National Roads Office, Richmond, Glanmire, Cork T45WA44, or below in the 'Document Summary' Section.

It may be inspected during normal office hours from Friday the 28th of June 2024 to Friday 26th of July 2024 inclusive.

Submissions regarding the proposal may be made via email to or in writing to the Senior Engineer, Cork National Roads Office, Richmond, Glanmire, Cork T45WA44 on, or before, 4p.m. Friday, the 26th of July 2024.

Director of Services,
Roads & Transportation,
28 June 2024