Over €700k Council funding allocated to Cork Community Groups

Cork County Council has allocated over €700,000 to community groups from across the county under Phase 2 of a €3.5 million fund.

With €500,000 allocated every year over the last 7 years, Cork County Council established the Community Development Initiative to fund local community development projects, with supports ranging from €1,000 to €25,000 per initiative.

Cork County Council received 241 applications with 132 successful community groups approved for funding this week by the Council’s three Local Community Development Committees.  The projects approved range from the refurbishment of community halls, the upgrading of walkways, equipment purchases such as tables, chairs and mowers, plus many more vital items which will improve the quality of amenities for all residents of Cork County.

The Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr Gillian Coughlan congratulated the successful groups while reiterating the Council’s commitment to community development, “I know how tough the last 18 months has been for all groups and how important community and voluntary groups are, not only are they an asset to their own communities but they are an asset for Cork.  This fund highlights the support of Cork County Council while recognising the tremendous work and commitment given by all involved in projects which improve the prosperity of both people and places.”

Chief Executive of Cork County Council Tim Lucey also highlighted how the Community Development Initiative was an example of the Council’s continuing commitment to local community collaboration, “Through our 3 Local Community Development Committees, we are committed to improving the range and quality of community based facilities which will assist in providing the very best quality of life offering to our citizens.  The Cork County Community Development Initiative, in cooperation with Local Development Companies, offers groups who may not have access to some of our other sources of funding the opportunity to deliver on their ambitions for their communities.”