Roads and Transportation

Section 38 - Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade works at R880 Oliver Plunkett Street, Clonakilty Co. Cork

Cork County Council

Road Traffic Act 1994

Proposed Pedestrian Crossing Upgrade works at  R880 Oliver Plunkett Street, Clonakilty Co. Cork

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act, 1994, Cork County Council hereby gives notice of its intention to introduce the following road works on the R880 Oliver Plunkett Street, Clonakilty, Co, Cork;

  • Upgrade of existing uncontrolled crossing to a controlled pedestrian crossing,
  • and all associated works. 


Drawings and particulars of the proposed project are available for inspection at Cork County Council, Clonakilty Municipal Engineering Office, Emmet Square, Clonakilty, Co. Cork and may be inspected during normal office hours from Monday 12th September to Monday 17th October 2022 inclusive.

Drawings can be viewed below in the 'Document Summary' section.

Submissions regarding the proposal may be made in writing to the above office or by email to sends email) on or before 5 pm on Monday 17th October 2022.

Director of Services

27th August 2022

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