Works at Fermoy’s Barnane Walk and Trail Completed

A group of people on a walkway with umrellas in the rain

Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn has visited Barnane Walk and Trail following significant improvement works to the popular amenity in Fermoy.

The trail, which forms part of the idyllic Blackwater Way, has benefited from a series of upgrades, including pathway improvements, fencing, landscaping and the installation of new steel pedestrian bridges to help ensure safe and convenient crossing.  

Extensive improvement works and repairs to the historic stone wall along the Barnane Walk have also been completed to ensure its preservation for future generations. 

The improvement works between Barnane and Glenabo Woods were completed by Cork County Council in partnership with Avondhu Blackwater Partnership. The project received funding of €200,000 from the Department of Rural and Community Development through the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme as part of the Governments ‘Our Rural Future’ strategy with additional funding provided by Cork County Council. Speaking on the successful completion of the project, Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Frank O’Flynn said

Barnane Walk and Trail is a fantastic amenity. The improvement works which have been carried out here in Fermoy are just one example of our commitment to preserving and enhancing our county’s natural beauty. I’d like to extend my gratitude to the Department of Rural and Community Development and to Avondhu Blackwater for their invaluable support in making this project a reality.


Chief Executive of Cork County Council, Tim Lucey added,

“The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme has enabled us to upgrade many of our existing natural amenities to ensure they are safe and accessible for both visitors and local communities to enjoy. Barnane Walk is one of a series of ongoing projects that the Council is progressing and I’m delighted to see the enhancements made will be of huge benefit to all.”